Liberal Democracy

Liberal Democracy
The Free State

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Our Country Pac: Video: State of the Union: Tea Party Response With Senator Rand Paul: 2/12/2013

I actually wish the Tea Party had more Rand Paul's, Marco Rubio's, Ron Johnson's, Mike Lee's, and Justin Amash's. Five US Senators and one US Representative all Republicans in Congress right now and if the Tea Party had more members like this. I could take this movement more seriously and respect it rather then treat them like the Big Government wing of the. Republican Party which the Tea Party basically is right now since they are now in bed with the. Religious right or always were with them.

But having said that its as if Senator Paul was responding to a speech from Jill Stein of the Green Party or Bernie Sanders. Officially and Independent but a Democratic-Socialist in the Senate that caucus's with Senate Democrats. Because President Obama didn't give a Franklin Roosevelt New Deal or Great Society we a need a Federal Government to build a fair society. For us Big Government speech but he instead was talking about what we need government to do that. Its already doing but do it better and be more effective and efficient with what it does but that these key areas. That we need government to do, like in infrastructure, public education, research and development. And a tax code that promotes success and independence, economic and job growth and that we need to get the debt and deficit under control. So we can have an environment where private enterprise can take off and be successful that benefits as many. Americans as possible rather then just a few.

This wasn't the Mitt Romney State of The Union response and certainly not address. But a speech from a real classical Conservative-Republican whose the real thing and who has serious. Federalist and Libertarian leanings and if you are with that wing of the Republican Party. Which unfortunately has gotten much smaller from where they were thirty years ago. Then you loved Senator Paul's speech but if you are again with the Big Government wing of the GOP. Or in the Democratic Party, then you didn't like this speech as far as agreeing with much of it. Especially as it relates to Liberals and the debt. So this was a tailored speech to the Conservative-Libertarian wing of the Republican Party and in the country. Not designed to reach out to new people.

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