Liberal Democracy

Liberal Democracy
The Free State

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jack Hunter: 'Goodbye to Conservatism'

Source:Wikipedia- Conservative radio talk show host and blogger Jack Hunter.

"Jack William Hunter Jr. (born June 1, 1974) is an American radio host, political commentator and Politics Editor for, a Washington, D.C.-based news website. He began his career in the late 1990s on alternative rock station WAVF 96.1 FM using the moniker "Southern Avenger", an anonymous pro wrestler/superhero-style character. In 2007, Hunter began appearing every Tuesday and Friday morning on WTMA News-Talk 1250 AM, and contributed to a weekly column to the Charleston City Paper.[1] Hunter was also an aide to U.S. Senator Rand Paul, whom Hunter helped write the book The Tea Party Goes to Washington.[2] He is perhaps best known for his decades-old, racially charged writings whose reemergence caused a major media controversy for his boss, Senator Paul.

Hunter's reputation as a political operative was discredited following the Washington Free Beacon's revelation in July 2013 that he had repeatedly espoused racist views on a local South Carolina radio station under the Southern Avenger moniker. His racist comments included expressions of contempt for Hispanic immigrants, and a call for NAACP director Kweisi Mfume, whom he referred to as "NAACP Grand Wizard," to be tied to a tree and whipped.[3][4] Following these revelations, Hunter resigned from Rand Paul's staff in what the Senator called a "mutual decision." In a November 2013 article for Politico, Hunter repudiated his former views, writing "I'm not a racist; I just played one on the radio." 

From Wikipedia 

"To my friends that are supporters of Rick Santorum: I won’t say you are an idiot, I’ll just say the definition of ‘conservative’ has changed… that way I won’t have to have the discussion that you are a flaming douchbag of stupidity." 

From Brian Gallimore  

“September 3, 2008 Interview with TPMtv – Santorum says that the GOP has moved away from the Goldwater, “small government” ideas. The full interview can be seen here… 

Source:Talking Points Memo- interviewing former U.S. Senator (Republican, Pennsylvania) Rick Santorum in 2008.

From Talking Points Memo 

This photo is from a video that conservative blogger Jack Hunter did about Rick Santorum’s support for big government. And Hunter even covers Rick Santorum’s views on the Barry Goldwater classical conservative wing of the Republican Party. That Senator Santorum is obviously not part of.

Source:The Southern Avenger- former U.S. Senator (Republican, Pennsylvania) and 2012 presidential candidate Rick Santorum.

Jack Hunter the so-called Southern Avenger, is right again when he says that conservatism is not about fixing things or telling people how to live their lives. But that conservatism is about keeping or getting the Federal Government within the Constitution. Meaning that the Federal Government shouldn't be doing anything that's not laid out for it to do, or that it doesn't have the constitutional authority to do under the U.S. Constitution. When you think of conservatism, think again of Barry Goldwater and his book the Conscience of a Conservative, read that book. 

If 2012 Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum is supposed to be the face of the so-called Modern Conservative, then Conservatives believe that the Federal Government: 

Should be doing more when it comes to public education, not less. 

That we should be doubling the size of Medicare, not reforming Medicare and other entitlement programs to keep them solvent. 

That deficits and debt doesn't matter, at least they didn't matter when Senator Santorum was in Congress with all his votes to increase the national debt and borrow hundreds of billions of dollars for wars and to pay for expanding our social programs like Medicare. 

And instead of conserving the U.S. Constitution, which is what political Conservatives used to be about, we should amend if not throw out the First and Fourth, and perhaps the 10th Amendments as well, so Big Government can make sure every decent American is not listening to music that Senator Santorum and the rest of Christian-Right doesn't approve us, or watching a film they disapprove of, or going to a nightclub they disapprove of, men having sex with men, women having sex with women, consensual sam-sex-marriage, etc. 

People that right-wing populists like to call the Old Right today and even people that Libertarians like Tom Woods and others views as the Old Right, were the real Conservatives, because they were constitutional Conservative. (Something that Michele Bachmann knows nothing about) And these are the folks that today's populist Republicans would call Liberals. Those great Liberals like William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater, Robert Taft, Calvin Coolidge, and Ronald Reagan. You can see why I have a hard time taking populist Republicans seriously about anything.  

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