You can call this the daily diary of the The FreeState, or my personal Twitter page within this blog will I'll share (hopefully daily) what I'm looking at and think about. Everything from what I'm seeing on Twitter and Google, to what I'm personally thinking about.
5/24/21 - Justin Stapley: "A sex change at 5 years old is child abuse. I won't apologize for that belief."
Wendy: "A 5 year old boy does not need a sex change! He needs a Tonka truck, a GI Joe, and a nerf gun! Just because you didn't get the kid you wanted doesn't mean you get to change the identity of the one you have!"
Rik Schneider: "It's also stupid."
5/26/21 -
Tomi Lahren: "Ask yourself, who did China prefer to be president: Basement Biden or Donald Trump?"
Rik Schneider: "You sure you want to go down that road, especially with Donald Trump and his Russia connections?"
If this is all the Alt-Right (which is the Republican Party today) has going against Joe Biden, they're in a lot of trouble, especially if Democrats continue to pass their agenda.
5/27/2021 - "The end of a beautiful friendship?
Republicans received some friendly fire today from an unusual source. As the Senate prepared to vote on a bill that would establish a bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Sen. Joe Manchin, one of the most moderate Democrats in the entire conference, blasted Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for playing politics over the legislation.
"There is no excuse for any Republican to vote against the commission since Democrats have agreed to everything they asked for," Manchin said. "Mitch McConnell has made this his political position, thinking it will help his 2022 elections. They do not believe the truth will set you free, so they continue to live in fear."
McConnell disagrees. He has criticized the House proposal as "slanted and unbalanced," leading other Senate Republicans to oppose it as well. Only two Republican senators—Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney—have publicly committed to supporting the bill. Ten Republicans would need to vote for it to overcome the filibuster.
"I do not believe the additional, extraneous commission that Democratic leaders want would uncover crucial new facts, or promote healing," McConnell said today. "Frankly, I do not believe it is even designed to do that." Okay, Mitch. —The Hill"
Source:POLITICO- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican, Kentucky) and Senator Joe Manchin (Democrat, West Virginia) |
The Topline Is the January 6 Commission the thing that gets Senator Joe Manchin to finally see the light and see that Congressional Republicans, especially Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, aren't interested in working with Democrats, but obstructing them? And perhaps this is how we get real filibuster reform in this Congress.
6/01/2021 - "Many people have speculated that Donald Trump could be reinstated as President of the United States if the ongoing 2020 presidential election audits determine that he should have won the states needed to stay on as president.
But now there are reports that he has been telling people that is what is going to happen, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman said on Twitter.
“Trump has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August (no that isn’t how it works but simply sharing the information),” she said.
Source:Conservative Belief- Donald J. Trump: 45th Ex-President of the United States and current King of Reality TV. |
From a publication that calls itself
Conservative Belief. But based on the headline: "Trump Thinks he'll be reinstated by August" it could've definitely been reported by The Onion. (No offense to The Onion)
If you report headlines and stories like this, you might as well also report stories saying that burning down your own house is actually good for you, because then you can collect the insurance and buy a better house. Or alcohol is actually good for you, if it's the only thing that you drink. And then use Donald Trump as a credible course: again, you might as well work for The Onion. (Again, no offense to The Onion)
6/08/2021 - "NEWT: No. Look, the train wreck that occupied the opening of your show is astounding. If it wasn't actually"
Newt Gingrich Just to start with a couple points first: Sean Hannity sounded like he's got a cold or a sore throat. And then Hannity has the balls to say that America should stand up for our institutions. (He says that with a straight face) Where was his support for our institutions during the last four years when he was kissing the ass of a man who wanted to destroy all of our institutions? The rest of this interview is just more Fox News talking points courtesy of Hannity and Gingrich.
6/27/2021 - "Rik,
Basketball legend Charles Barkley recently shocked fans when he announced he was quitting “Inside the NBA” when he turns 60.
His reason for leaving? Cancel culture.
“You can’t even have fun nowadays without these characters trying to get you canceled,” he said.
Comedian and actor Chris Rock noted that cancel culture has led to “unfunny” and “boring” bits.
“Everybody’s scared to make a move... when everybody gets safe and nobody tries anything, things get boring,” said Rock.
Musician Winston Marshall of the popular band Mumford & Sons recently announced he is leaving the band because he can’t continue to censor his own beliefs to protect the band from being attacked or canceled.
“I could remain and continue to self-censor but it will erode my sense of integrity. Gnaw my conscience. I’ve already felt that beginning,” said Marshall.
He was attacked recently for posting positive words about Andy Ngo’s book that criticizes Antifa.
Cancel culture is impacting every aspect and corner of society. Now we can’t even have fun, watch a basketball game or a comedy, or listen to good music without being reminded of its pervasive existence in our life. It’s time to make it extinct."
Source:BBC News- with a look at American cancel culture. |
Independent Women's Voice I agree that cancel culture is a real problem and it represents a real threat to the First Amendment in America (if the Far-Right or Far-Left are ever in complete control of America) but where I separate with the Right (if not Far-Right) if that cancel culture represents a real threat to free speech in America from both fringes. Not just the hard core Socialists (if not Communists) who want to cancel everyone that they disagree with.
If you truly believe in free speech in America, then you believe that all sides have a constitutional right to be heard by anyone who is interested in hearing from them and that they have a right to speak as much as people that you agree with. And that you don't try to cancel corporations and sports leagues simply because you don't like the political stances that they take. Which is what is Far-Right has been trying to do with Corporate America, especially Major League Baseball.
6/27/2021 - "AOC slams filibuster: Nations around globe ‘pass legislation with majorities, and they’re fine’
Source:Politics USA- Alexandria O. Cortez (Democratic Socialist, People's Republic of Bronx) on NBC News's Meet The Press, talking about the Senate filibuster. |
From the
Washington ExaminerI would love to knows what Alexandria O. Cortez, position on the Senate filibuster when she was first running for the House in 2018, when Chuck Schumer was still Senate Minority Leader (who then had no reluctances about using the filibuster) and when she was elected to the House and House Democrats took the majority in 2019, but when Senate Democrats were still in the minority.
Before you listen to any member of Congress (House or Senate) about the Senate filibuster, you first you should know where their party is in the Senate (majority or minority) because members tend to be in favor of the filibuster when it benefits them, but totally opposed to it when they have complete control of Congress and The White House, like with Democrats today or Republicans now, who seem to be completely in favor of the filibuster now that there's a Democratic President and Congress.
8/27/2021 - President Ronald Reagan was damn right about Welfare. We should judge the program by how many people no longer need public assistance. Not by how many people are added to the Welfare rolls.
Ngan Tengyuen: "President Ronald Reagan is perhaps one of the better known republican presidents along with Abraham Lincoln. I am not an American but given a choice...
Source:Gecko & Fly- President W. Reagan (Republican, California) |
From The New Democrat
8/30/2021 - The debate between the William F. Buckley vs James Baldwin in 1965. represents the best of American politics, free speech, and debating in America, because you have two men with completely different perspectives, debating each other and making their points clear, without trying to destroy the other personally.
PBS NewsHour: "It has been 55 years since civil-rights activist, James Baldwin, and founder of the conservative National Review, William F. Buckley, Jr., met for a debate on race in America. That discussion and the lives of the two cultural giants are subjects of a new book, "The Fire is Upon Us." Zachary Green spoke with author and political scientist Nicholas Buccola about how the debate's still resonating."
The New Democrat8/31/2021 - According to Tomi Lahren (from Fox News) anyone who disagrees with her on anything, is either a RINO or a tyrant, Un-American, etc, the usual Alt-Right talking points. So for her to say anything that's negative about Governor Gavin Newsome or anyone else in California, you should at least consider that first.
As far as the California recall: if Democrats forget to vote, then Governor Newsome might be in trouble. But that is a state where 7-10 voters are still Democrats and where Republicans whether it's Larry Elder or anyone else, has to have a low turnout just to be competitive, because California Republicans don't compete in the big cities there anymore.
Fox News: "Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren torched California Governor Gavin Newsome ahead of the recall election in September. Lahren joined "Fox & Friends First" and called out the governor for dining at high-end restaurants while the rest of the state was shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic.
TOMI LAHREN: I'm very confident, I think a lot of Californians are very confident, they're not forgetting what was going on in the last several months, in the last year and a half of Covid, they know what this governor has done while he was dining at the French Laundry and they were stuck in positions of having to, as I said, shutter their businesses. Now, many of them can't get people to come to work at their businesses."
9/22/2021 - This is from an email that I got from Independent Women's Voice from U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (Republican, Texas) or from one of his lackeys:
What is occurring at the border is heartbreaking and tragic.
It is a humanitarian, national security, and public health crisis of epic proportions. And it was largely avoidable, had the Biden-Harris administration not played politics with human lives.
Stop Biden-Harris
When my Senate colleagues and I went down to the border several months ago, we were in shock at the utter devastation caused by the administration’s heartless and cruel open border policy. It was way worse than we even expected.
Worse, like a true totalitarian regime, the Biden-Harris administration blocked the press from covering our trip to the border or entering any of the border facilities.
Had the mainstream media been able to cover it, their eyes would have been opened and their narrative changed. It’s a giant tent city. The holding facilities, which were built to hold 250 people, have nearly 4,000 people in them.
We saw cages upon cages of little boys and little girls practically stacked on top of one another. There wasn’t 6 feet or 3 feet or even 3 inches that separated them from each other. And there certainly weren’t any COVID testing, quarantine, or vaccination requirements, despite them illegally entering our country from across the world.
Stop Biden-Harris
While the Biden-Harris administration kept us locked in our homes—unable to reopen businesses or schools, go to church, or resume “normal” activities—they turned a blind eye to the lack of social distancing and public health and safety precautions taking place at the border.
They’re pulling from the old DNC playbook: DENY. DISTRACT. DISMISS.
On her pulpit 800 miles away from where the ACTUAL border crisis is, Border Czar Kamala Harris said that immigration “cannot be reduced to a political issue. We’re talking about children, we’re talking about families, we’re talking about suffering. And our approach has to be thoughtful and effective.”
It’s funny hearing that from her NOW, after my Republican colleagues and I sounded the alarms about the devastatingly dangerous conditions at the border MONTHS ago. WE are the ones who are caring about the children, the families, and the suffering.
Where was Border Czar Harris then?
Stop Biden-Harris
The Biden-Harris administration’s failed policies opened the floodgates to human smugglers and drug cartels running the entire operation without any repercussions. And it has led to a record number of children coming in unaccompanied—facing abandonment, abuse, and sexual assault.
VP Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden are putting their political interests ahead of our American interests… and they must be stopped.
Stop Biden-Harris
Independent Women’s Voice has been leading the fight for safe borders and sensible policies, but they need your help.
They have an important deadline coming up, and every dollar you give will be directly invested in their efforts to take back our country from the tyrannical actions of this current administration.
Invest today in a safer, stronger country by giving to IWV.
Thank you, and God bless America,
Senator Ted Cruz"
You know, hearing Flyin Ted Cruz lecture anyone about the need for public service and always being on the job, and serving the best interests of the people: he's probably only talking about this now because he missed the last flight out from Washington or Texas, to Cancun, Mexico or wherever he escapes to for his holidays when the heat is too much for him in Washington.
And for the record: I didn't sign this bogus (to be too kind) petition from IWV.
9/23/2021 - "Instead of the patriotic leaders that capitalism needs, today America’s corporate elite kowtow to the woke, Marxist mobs that dominate the internet and Hollywood.
The question is how do we, patriotic Americans who love capitalism and freedom, fight back against the growing tyranny of the woke elites running corporate America?
One solution is to empower shareholders to push back. If you own a stock, invest in a mutual fund, have a company-sponsored 401k, then you are a shareholder and are owed legal duties by the corporations you invest in. The truth is that corporate executives keep you in the dark about your right to hold them accountable for how they spend your money.
9/23/2021- U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (Republican, Florida)
"Instead of the patriotic leaders that capitalism needs, today America’s corporate elite kowtow to the woke, Marxist mobs that dominate the internet and Hollywood.
The question is how do we, patriotic Americans who love capitalism and freedom, fight back against the growing tyranny of the woke elites running corporate America?
One solution is to empower shareholders to push back. If you own a stock, invest in a mutual fund, have a company-sponsored 401k, then you are a shareholder and are owed legal duties by the corporations you invest in. The truth is that corporate executives keep you in the dark about your right to hold them accountable for how they spend your money."
Doesn't the modern Republican Party supposed to be in the backs of Corporate America and believe what's in the best interest of Corporate America, is in the best interest of America in general? To put it simply: Republicans are supposed to believe that what works best for Wall Street, what makes them the most profitable, works for Main Street, the street where most Americans live on economically. The whole trickle-down theory of economics that governed the Republican Party, at least until Donald J. Trump came to Washington.
And then you have Senator Rubio whose changed his political positions and political philosophy more often than Liz Taylor and Joan Collins have changed husbands combined, trying to sound like Blue Collar Joe here and be the populist who oppose Corporate America and elitists in general and arguing that they're selling out America to the wealthy and powerful.
9/29/2021 - In my email today: "Rik,
We need to be honest.
Our team pulled your file to see if you’d joined our Official Trump VIP Club and it came back as MISSING. That means you FAILED to step up and join this prestigious club for TOP TRUMP SUPPORTERS only.
Are you still a TOP Trump Patriot? We hope so. You’ve always stood out as one of President Trump’s BEST supporters, which is why we’re surprised you IGNORED our invitation.
Remember, when you join, you’ll:
Receive access to CONFIDENTIAL Republican strategy surveys.
Hear about exclusive new merchandise FIRST.
Hear from key members of the Republican Party.
And lastly, you’ll go down in history as one of the Patriots who helped DEFEND President Trump’s legacy from the Left.
Your deadline is almost here. Don’t wait.
Contribute ANY AMOUNT in the NEXT 15 MINUTES to join the Official Trump VIP Club. >>"
This is from an email that I got from the so-called Official Trump VIP Club yesterday. They're apparently unaware that I'm not an actual fan for President Donald J. Trump, that the opposite is actually true and I consider himself to be the worst POTUS at least in my lifetime, all 40 plus years of it.
People don't always subscribe to email lists simply because they agree with the message that's coming from that newsletter or what's coming from the author of that newsletter. A lot of subscribers to newsletters (and I'm one of them) are simply interested in wha's coming from that newsletter and to see what those folks are thinking about and what they're up too. Which is why it's helpful to always know who you are talking too, especially online before you talk to that person.
9/30/2021 - In my email today: "America and us conservatives are under attack from all sides. Biden is destroying the country, and quickly lurching us into a socialist hell. The Democrats' $6.5 TRILLION in spending and taxes will decimate our economy.
Big Government, Big Tech, the Liberal Media, Woke Globalist Corporations... the liberals' Orwellian empire is lined up against us. It's 1984 in 2021. That's why we need your help.
We need to oppose these radical leftists. The time has come for reasonable Americans to stand up and FIGHT BACK.
Their socialist plans to ruin America, their disastrous open borders policy that makes America less safe, and their unconstitutional government oppression, including vaccine mandates, need to be STOPPED.
That's why we need you to join this fight for our future by directly supporting us.
Your VIP membership equips our team of real conservatives to effectively fight back against the lies, government oppression, socialism, woke and cancel culture BS, and outright censorship of free speech by those on the Left who want to destroy our freedom and our country.
For your loyalty to us through the years, we are offering a big discount: 25% off VIP membership using the promo code LOYALTY. "
When I first got into blogging 10 years ago, I was a subscriber to Townhall Magazine because I wanted to see what the Tea Party was thinking (if you want to call it thinking) and what they were up to. Republicans had just won back and taken control of the House of Representatives and they brought a strong fiscal conservative message with them (because there was a Democrat in The White House) and at least early on in their first two years of controlling the House, Republicans weren't dominated by Cultural War issues and trying to party like it was still 1955 and acting like the country hadn't progressed since that year.
But then 2015-16 happened and with the emergence of Donald Trump, what's left of the so-called Republican Party (that Bill Buckley, Barry Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan wouldn't recognize today) what's supposed to be the Republican Party, are nothing but George Wallace/Pat Buchanan/Ann Coulter Cultural Warriors, who believe that Socialists, gays, Muslims, Latinos, Arabs, and women are destroying their America and they have to fight back before that happens. Nothing but Far-Right garbage from their movement and Townhall, which I used to look forward to reading everyday, is now part of that movement.
5/03/2022- Cheri Jacobus: "When women hold the majority of positions of power, can we simply make it mandatory that teenage boys have reversible vasectomies? Cheaper, safer, and protects girls/women. Because men currently in power and the token handmaids they allow in, are screwups.
Can I get an "AMEN"?"
Rik Schneider: "When Democrats don't even bother to vote, bad things happen to a lot of people. Like Roe V. Wade getting struck down."
5/09/2022 - Tomi Lahren: "Big government doesn’t grow when things are going well, it might seem like this is just complete democrat ineptitude, but I see it as all part of their plan. The left wants fundamental changes to our country they can only achieve if they tear us down to nothing and force it."
Rik Schneider: "I guess this is the Tomi Lahren conspiracy theory of the day. Wait, there's more?"
5/12/2022 - Tomi Lahren: "The Left is still terrified of Donald Trump, not because he “incites” anything but because he’s everything they are NOT: successful, honest, and patriotic! I’ll discuss with
on The Evening Edit FoxBusiness 620pmET!"
Rik Schneider: "The Far-Right is devoted to Donald Trump like he's their cult leader. (You asked for it)"
Tomi Lahren: "There wasn’t a shortage of baby formula when Trump was president….
Rik Schneider: "Tomi, you mean Donald Trump is no longer President? Did he lose or something?"
5/13/2022 - Tomi Lahren: "While Americans are struggling to afford or even FIND baby formula, groceries, gas, and everything else, we should not be giving one penny to Ukraine or the illegal immigrants invading and sucking our country dry!!"
Rik Schneider: "That's right, Tomi! Deliver President Putin's talking points for him."
5/16/2022 - Tomi Lahren: "Free baby formula, free cell phone, free bus or plane ticket to wherever you wanna go in the USA…dang, it sure pays to be an illegal immigrant, doesn’t it?! Bullshit!!"
Rik Schneider: "Exactly, bullshit. Courtesy of Tomi Lahren."
5/20/2022 - Tomi Lahren: "Drug addict Hunter racking up huge sums of money with no marketable skills beyond his last name and the “big guy.” This is a matter of national security and the White House can’t ignore it anymore! I’ll discuss with
635pmET on
Rik Schneider: "Off her rocker Tomi strikes again."
Rik Schneider: You could argue (and I would be one of those people) that Donald Trump agreeing to pay his contempt fine, is an admission of guilt.
Washington Examiner: "Former President Donald Trump paid $110,000 as part of a bid to purge a contempt order in New York, the state's attorney general revealed on Friday.
Trump has also issued a report certifying his review of all his documents is complete, with all responsive documents submitted to the office of New York Attorney General Letitia James. He has yet to submit additional affidavits detailing his document searches and their destruction and retention, according to a spokesperson from the New York attorney general's office."
5/23/2022 - Rik Schneider: If you believe in fiscal and constitutional conservatism (which almost no one in the Republican Party believes in today) Calvin Coolidge matters a lot.
Coolidge Foundation: "Last week we mailed out copies of this book to the top finishers from each state in our Coolidge Cup Qualifier for Declamation. If that includes you, watch for a package in the mail! #speechanddebate"
5/24/2022 - Tomi Lahren: "It’s not about guns, it’s about evil. The Democrats only want it to be about guns so they don’t have to address the evil."
Rik Schneider: "Tomi Lahren only cares about partisan politics. Not solving problems."
5/29/2022 - Tomi Lahren: "On the Eve of Memorial Day, I wish attention seeking hacks like
Gabe Kapler would understand participating in the National Anthem isn’t about our “approval” of what’s going on, it’s about paying RESPECT to the men & women who have laid down their lives to protect & defend freedom."
Rik Schneider: "Not even on Memorial Day weekend can Tomi Lahren avoid trying to be insulting. You can call yourself anything that you want, but if you want to be taken seriously as an American patriot, you have to live up to that."
5/30/2022 - Tomi Lahren: "Grilling mystery meat for Memorial Day is a no-go for me! I am so happy to be working with
to promote AMERICAN meat from AMERICAN ranchers & farmers. Check them out & use code TOMI for 30% off. You’ll never go back to that crap meat you find in most grocery stores!"
Rik Shcneider: "Tomi, take a day off. It's Memorial Day."
5/31/2022 - Rik Schneider: I could've swore there was once a time when the Republican Party was pro-business and the so-called free market. How times have changed.
IWV: ""Hi Rik,
Parents need to be aware of a new front in the effort to exploit children.
According to a leaked email obtained by our friends at a consumer watchdog organization, State Farm insurance company encouraged 550 agents to donate radical books on gender ideology to children as young as age five. The email specifically asks local State Farm agents to participate in a program that donates books titled “A Kids Book About Being Transgender” and “A Kids Book About Being Non-Binary" from the GenderCool Project to classrooms and libraries so kindergarteners can have access to these books."
6/03/2022 - Rik Schneider: I guess Peter Navarro can plan President Joe Biden's impeachment from jail. Unless he decides to cooperate with House Democrats and the DOJ.
Fox News: "A federal grand jury indicted former Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro on criminal contempt of Congress charges after he refused to comply with a subpoena issued by the House Jan. 6 committee.
The Department of Justice announced the indictment Friday. The department has previously indicted former Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon for contempt of Congress, throwing its weight behind the committee's subpoenas.
The FBI arrested Navarro Friday morning. In his first court appearance Friday afternoon, Navarro said that he was on his way to Nashville for a television appearance Friday morning, and that an FBI team let him get to the airport and try to board a plane before putting him in handcuffs."
6/24/2022 - Rik Schneider: When Democrats don't vote, people like Donald Trump become President of the United States, Republicans control the U.S. Senate, and then they get to decide who sits on the U.S. Supreme Court, putting abortion rights and other constitutional rights at jeopardy for every American.
Fox News: "EXCLUSIVE: Former President Donald Trump praised the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade Friday, telling Fox News that the ruling "will work out for everybody."
"This is following the Constitution, and giving rights back when they should have been given long ago," Trump told Fox News.
When asked if he had a message for any of his supporters who may be pro-choice, Trump told Fox News: "I think, in the end, this is something that will work out for everybody."
"This brings everything back to the states where it has always belonged," Trump said.
When asked whether he feels he played a role in the reversal of Roe v. Wade, after having appointed three conservative justices to the high court, the former president told Fox News...
Source:Fox News- President Donald J. Trump (Republican, Florida) 45th President of the United States (2017-2021) and currently former POTUS. |
Fox News
6/30/2022 - Rik Schneider: At some point in 2010/11, I commented on a video about Milton Friedman and wrote: "The welfare state (or safety net as I would prefer) should just be for the people who need it. And designed to empower people to move themselves to self-sufficiency, instead of making people dependent on it indefinitely."
Henry Ford: "Expecially if it's welfare for the rich, which is ridiculous. But that's what happens when politicians coddle to big donors for special favors in return instead"
Rik Schneider: "We are talking about 2 different things here."
7/21/2022 - Rik Schneider: Representative Liz Cheney may not have a future in Wyoming politics or in the U.S. House of Representatives. (We'll know in August) But I hope she has a great future in the Republican Party. I think she should seriously consider a run against Donald Trump for POTUS, either as a Republican or runs as an Independent in 2024, if for no other reason to prevent Donald Trump from ever get within shouting distance of The White House again. I would be honored to vote for her in the Maryland Republican primary (even as a Democrat) for her for POTUS.
7/28/2022 - Rik Schneider: Martha Mitchell, who was the wife of President Richard Nixon's Attorney General John Mitchell in the early 1970s, was nicknamed the loudmouth of Watergate. She was essentially a Washington, political gossip columnist, who was very cute, very funny, but who talked to the media a lot about what was going on in the Republican Party, even in the Nixon Administration.
Paula Hayward: "MARTHA MITCHELL, a colorful Arkansas woman who was one of the great whistle-blowers of the 20th century. She became uncomfortable, then outraged, by her husband’s role in the Nixon White House, begged and demanded that he get out. When he refused, she started calling journalists, spilling the beans on barely believable criminal activities. Attacked as a "kook" and an addict by people in power, she never backed down. Flowers at her funeral spelled out MARTHA WAS RIGHT"
8/02/2022 - Rik Schneider: Pat Cipollone was essentially house counsel at The White House for Donald Trump. He knows practically everything as far as what theories and strategies may have been entertained and used to try to overturn the 2020 presidential election. It's one thing to try to ignore a Congressional committee (House or Senate) but you can't ignore DOJ without serious legal consequences coming to you.
8/05/2022 - CockyHemi: "Precisely what happened. The Cold War was a farce. We raped the American people of all resources and wealth to build up the technology of Russia and China and our own military in order to bring about the One world totalitarian socialist government. Taft was our last statesman. Ron Paul was pretty close. You can also hear how the Marxists had already subverted the press by this time. Taft and Senator Joseph McCarthy were American heroes. There should be statues of these two men all around our once great nation."
Rik Schneider: "Precisely what happened. The Cold War was a farce." A true Socialist/Communist couldn't have said that any better.
"Taft was our last statesman. Ron Paul was pretty close. You can also hear how the Marxists had already subverted the press by this time. Taft and Senator Joseph McCarthy were American heroes."
If Joe McCarthy was a hero, then I'm Donald Duck the father of 20 ducklings, who speaks perfect English. Please save your right-wing, nationalist propaganda for MAGA rallies. But we agree about Robert Taft, even though he was more like Barry Goldwater, than Ron Paul."
Source:YouTube- Senator Robert Taft (Republican, Ohio) I believe shaking the hand of former President Herbert Hoover. |
Guy John
8/13/2022 - Kevin McCarthy: "You can’t tax and spend your way out of an inflation crisis. Pass it on."
Rik Schneider: "You can't borrow and spend your way out of it either, Leader McCarthy. I wish House Republicans understood that when they were in charge."
8/16/2022 - Rik Schneider: As Representative Cheney said in her speech tonight, the fight that's she's involved in, is much bigger than her House seat. It's a fight to save the American republic and democracy. What she stands for and believes in, is so much bigger than any political office in America.
Liz Cheney: "Millions of Americans across our nation – Republicans, Democrats, Independents – stand united in the cause of freedom. We are stronger, more dedicated, and more determined than those trying to destroy our Republic."
8/28/2022 - Rik Schneider: Bill Kristol: "Biden on Thursday: "What we're seeing now extreme MAGA philosophy. It's not just Trump, it's the entire philosophy that underpins the...I'm going to say something, it's like semi-fascism."
"I respect conservative Republicans. I don't respect these MAGA Republicans."
Rik Schneider: "President Biden separating Conservative Republicans, from Donald Trump Nationalist Republicans. I've been doing that since 2015."
8/29/2022 - Rik Schneider: Joseph Welch calling a duck a duck, when he called out Senator McCarthy as the fascist demagogue that he was.
Frank Klaassen: "The Army-McCarthy hearings.
The beginning of the downfall of Joseph McCarty"
Cheri Jacobus: "There won't be. "
Acyn: "Graham says there will be riots in the streets if Trump is prosecuted"
Rik Schneider: "You think Senator Graham would say this under oath?"
Source:Twitter- U.S Senator Lindsey Graham (Republican, South Carolina) one of Donald Trump's chief ass-kissers in Congress.
Cheri Jacobus
8/31/2022 - Tomi Lahren: "Liberals actually hate themselves and the president they “elected.” That’s why they get so freaking angry that people still love Donald Trump! Sucks to suck, LIBS!"
Rik Schneider: "This is The Real Tomi Lahren, when she doesn't take her medication. Or her doctor lets her out of the institution."
Wow! So Sarah Palin lost her House race in Alaska tonight. I guess being a political celebrity is not good enough in Alaska. They have to take you seriously.
9/07/2022 - New York Post: "AOC predicts she won't be president — because Americans 'hate women'"
Rik Schneider: "Nah, its Americans don't like crazy women. We don't like crazy men either."
9/20/2022 - U.S. Representative Marjorie T. Greene: "No President should be selling the American people’s oil to our enemies.
Joe Biden is creating a national security crisis and a national energy emergency.
He must be impeached.
Rik Schneider: "Marjorie T. Greene off her medication again. (Not that she ever takes her meds)"
9/22/2022 - Rik Schneider: Just for the record: even if Republicans do win back the House, Representative Greene is going to have a helluva time even getting her vote on this resolution on the floor of the House, let alone even getting a hearing on it in the House Judiciary Committee. Perhaps if she had more experience or took her meds everyday, she would already know this.
@realmarjoriegreene : "This is why I introduced articles of impeachment against Joe Biden.
"Joe Biden is selling our emergency oil reserves to China, so that he can lower the gas prices for November 8th, and they can hopefully win Democratic seats. Absolutely pathetic."
9/23/2022 - Rik Schneider: Richard Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller were political rivals, because they were both Republicans and wanted to be President. But ideologically, they were both from the old Center-Right, Progressive Republican wing of the Republican Party.
MM 413C: "President Richard Nixon wishes a Merry Christmas to New York Governor (and future Vice-President) Nelson Rockefeller. Nixon also asks Rockefeller to give Henry Kissinger a call. Kissinger used to work for Rockefeller, and Nixon believes that Rockefeller's support would cheer Kissinger up. Kissinger was particularly worried about the India-Pakistan conflict that was then on going.
In this conversation from two days later, you can hear Kissinger discuss the call he received from Rockefeller:
(Photo: Richard Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller, 1960.)
(NARA censors beeped out part of this conversation as "personal returnable." It is represented here by a 5 second beep.)"
Source:YouTube- MM 413C. U.S. Vice President Richard M. Nixon (Republican, California) and Governor Nelson Rockefeller (Republican, New York) in 1960. |
MM 413C
9/26/2022 - Rik Schneider: For everyone who believes in and cares about liberal democracy, please take the Marjorie T. Greene's of the world seriously, when they say they're Christian Nationalists. Because that's exactly who they are and what they believe. They're not Republicans because they don't even believe in the Republic.
Marjorie Taylor Greene: "MAGA, America First, Christian Nationalism, Faith, Family, Freedom.
These are all terms the lying left has tried to label as bad.
They are failing. People are not stupid. We are winning.
I never get tired of winning. Ever.
And I never back down. Ever."
9/28/2022 - Rik Schneider: A little surprising that Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson would have a friendly relationship. But there was a rumor in 1968 that President Johnson preferred Nixon for President, even over his own Vice President Hubert Humphrey, because of Vietnam.
'.jpeg) |
Source:YouTube- James Miller Center. Left to right. Spiro Agnew, Richard Nixon, Lady Bird Johnson, and Lyndon Johnson. Don't know the exact date on this photo, so I can't tell you their titles at this point. But I'm thinking it's in 1968, perhaps after Nixon and Agnew had just won the Presidency and Vice Presidency. |
From the
James Miler Center
9/29/2022 - Rik Schneider: I'm thinking Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson became friendly because they had similar positions on Vietnam.
James Miller Center: "In this Jan. 2, 1973 call, President Richard Nixon and former President Lyndon Johnson discuss Vietnam, an upcoming memorial service for President Harry S. Truman, football, and LBJ's 'heart pains."
10/09/2022 - Rik Schneider: I completely agree. Just as long as taxpayers don't have to pay for it. Persona freedom and personal responsibility.
Mandela Barnes: "YOUR body, YOUR choice…I don’t care what the GOP says. There is no room for government in your doctor’s office."
11/09/2022 - Rik Schneider: Even if the Republican Party walks away with a slight majority in the House (and it's not even clear that they'll have that) they have to be very disappointed with the night that they had last night. Especially considering all the seats they were expected to gain in the House, perhaps north of 30 and were probably a slight favorite to win back the Senate and they may lose a net seat now, if they lose Nevada.
I think two lessons that come from Tuesday night are when Democrats vote, they win and MAGA and the Far-Right in general, is still a drain on the Republican Party, especially once they're outside of their deep red states and gerrymandered House districts.
Tomi Lahren: "You do you… but if you wear a mask to vote…we already know who you voted for…just sayin"
Rik Schneider: "Tomi, I think you are falling asleep. That tweet was weak."
11/10/2022 - Rik Schneider: There are time when even the New York Post can be damn right.
Michael Cohen: "The midterm takeaway is the current feud between #Trump and #DeSantis. I know exactly what Trump is up to (between the name calling and the overt threats) as it’s exactly what he did in 2016 to eliminate Cruz, Rubio and others. With @nypost not on his side, who will he turn to?"
11/12/2022 - Rik Schneider: Michael Cohen telling it like it is (to paraphrase a famous newscaster) on MSNBC.
Michael Cohen: "My social media platforms exploded after my morning’s appearance on @MSNBC @VelshiMSNBC with host, @AliVelshi. In case you missed it, here you go! @amazonbooks ‘Revenge’ @melvillehouse @MeidasTouch @BNBuzz @audioupmedia @Audioboom @MeaCulpaPodcast"
11/16/2022 - Rik Schneider: The Love Goddess Rita Hayworth:
Rita Hayworth In Color: "One of the "very few"original color photographs of "Gilda" with the famous black dress !
By Bob Coburn !"
11/19/2022 - Geraldo Rivera: "For the good of the nation, Ford pardoned Nixon.
For the good of the nation, Biden should pardon Trump."
Rik Schneider: "When Donald Trump finally admits that he lost the 2020 presidential election and he's at least partially responsible, if not mostly responsible for Jan 6, then maybe President Biden should consider pardoning Donald Trump."
11/20/2022 - Suzanne Wilde: "Yet another fucking moron. So basically what he's saying is anyone can do ANYTHING and get away with it...... smh"
Rik Schneider: I don't know about "fucking moron". Someone with the legal and media background of Geraldo Rivera, you would think would be a pretty bright guy. I think Geraldo has made a lot of money off of Donald Trump and doesn't want to lose that. I think there's corruption here, not stupidity.
11/22/2022 - Tomi Lahren: "Donald Trump hasn’t even tweeted and he has more than double the followers of Joe Biden… Most votes any president in history my ass !!!"
Rik Schneider: "Apparently according to Tomi Lahren, the person who gets more followers on Twitter, is the person who got the most votes in a presidential election. Which makes her qualified to be on Twitter (which ain't saying anything) but not qualified to count votes. Perhaps followers."
11/23/2022 - Marjorie T. Greene: "This should give conservatives a glimpse of the kind of Speaker Kevin McCarthy will be and why I’m supporting him.
He’s demanding Mayorkas resign or face investigations leading to impeachment bc the cartels run our border
More things like this to come."
Rik Schneider: "If Kevin McCarthy is a Conservative, then Ayn Rand was a Socialist. Leader McCarthy is nothing more than a puppet and tool for the base of the Republican Party. Even MTG could figure that out."
12/06/2022 - Elizabeth Vargas: "Why does Marjorie Taylor Green keep popping up in my twitter feed? I do not follow her and yet she is there…consistently."
Rik Schneider: "You must have done something very awful at some point in your life, Elizabeth. And now you are paying the price for that. LOL"
12/15/2022 - Rik Schneider: Donald Trump is obviously desperate for money.
The Lincoln Project: "Trump's #MajorAnnouncement is a major flop."
12/18/2022 - Rik Schneider: The Love Goddess Rita Hayworth. What a pussycat.
Rita Hayworth In Color: "Terpsichore" in 1946 by Bob Coburn or Ned Scott !?
12/24/2022 - Rik Schneider: Where was Leader Kevin McCarthy's concern about government spending, when the deficit was doubled during his last two years as House Majority Leader? Or, when President Trump, left Joe Biden with a 3T dollar budget deficit to deal with? Kevin McCarthy is so full of it (to be nice) and can't be trusted.
12/26/2022 - Rik Schneider: The Love Goddess Rita Hayworth in color, still has it going on in 1964.
Rita Hayworth in Color: Rare publicity still of 1964 for the documentary "The Odyssey of Rita Hayworth" narrated by Joseph Cotten !
It was an honor for Rita that in the series "Hollywood and the stars" a whole chapter was devoted to her alone ! đ€©
Unbeknownst to her, one year later only, her career in the US came unfortunately to a sudden end.
12/27/2022 - Rik Schneider: Damn! I agree with Fox News on something. These are the three biggest losers of 2022. Biggest Loser Don, Can't get Elected Statewide in Texas Beto, and Can't Get Elected Governor of Georgia Stacey.
Fox News: This year was full of ups and downs for both parties, but some candidates were down more than up. Link in bio.
12/30/2022 - Rik Schneider: Biggest Loser Don is obviously freaking out about the fact that Americans now know how much money he loses every year at taxpayers expense. His base probably pays for most of the money that he loses every year.
Washington Examiner: Former President @realDonaldTrump issued his latest attack against Democrats on Friday, this time in response to the House Ways and Means Committee releasing a trove of documents detailing the former president's federal tax returns over the last six years.
“There is no legitimate legislative purpose for their action. And if you look at what they’ve done, it’s so sad for our country,” Trump said in a campaign video.
“It’s nothing but another deranged political witch hunt which has been going on from the day I came down an escalator in Trump Tower," he added.
1/02/2023 - Rik Schneider: The Love Goddess Rita Hayworth. Too cute.
Rita Hayworth in Color: Never shared before ! đ„łđ€©
A colorpic from transparency of Nov. 1948 !
It says on the back "Rita Hayworth, Columbias Star of "Lona Hanson" shares the companionship of her spaniel "Pookles" !
Another Technicolor movie with a more gorgeous Rita than ever that was never made đ„Č - because she fell in Love on a trip to Europe that same year with Ali Khan !
1/03/2023 - Rik Schneider: Kevin McCarthy, the man who can't be trusted. Is he the Bakersfield, California, Republican, practical legislature, or the wannabe MAGA leader?
Washington Examiner: The chairman of the House Freedom Caucus blasted @RepKevinMcCarthy hours before lawmakers vote on whether to elect the minority leader as speaker of the House.
McCarthy made a number of concessions to the caucus in a GOP rules package released late on Monday, but @RepScottPerry has said his overtures have fallen short.
"Kevin McCarthy had an opportunity to be Speaker of the House. He rejected it," Perry wrote in a statement.
1/04/2023 - Well, to answer Ana Navarro's question: Kevin McCarthy might just be a fool.
@ananavarro: Why does this fool even want to be Speaker? Democrats control White House & Senate. A small band of Republican misfit toys control him. They’ll hold McCarthy hostage and torture him every minute of his day. He’s not going to get jack-shit done and have no power. Zero. Yes, he’ll get the big office with the nice view and a painting of himself in a hallway. But he will go down in history as a humiliated eunuch. Rather pathetic.
I’m enjoying it thoroughly.
Rik Schneider: The King of Political Reality TV, Donald Trump, trying to sound like a man of reason, is too much to handle. Maybe that's his next reality TV show.
Washington Examiner: Former President @realDonaldTrump reiterated his support for @RepKevinMcCarthy’s bid for House speaker, walking back comments in which the former president declined to say on Tuesday whether he would endorse the California Republican after he failed to garner enough support to clinch the top position.
“Some really good conversations took place last night, and it’s now time for all of our GREAT Republican House Members to VOTE FOR KEVIN, CLOSE THE DEAL, TAKE THE VICTORY, & WATCH CRAZY NANCY PELOSI FLY BACK HOME TO A VERY BROKEN CALIFORNIA, THE ONLY SPEAKER IN U.S. HISTORY TO HAVE LOST THE 'HOUSE' TWICE!” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post on Wednesday morning.
“Kevin McCarthy will do a good job, and maybe even a GREAT JOB — JUST WATCH!”
1/05/2023 - Adam Schiff: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Rik Schneider: That's the long way of saying that MAGA is insane.
Rik Schneider: There are maybe 15/20 MAGA Republicans in the House right now preventing Kevin McCarthy from becoming Speaker. As long as they old ground, McCarthy doesn't become Speaker. But if McCarthy drops out, House Republicans could elect their own Speaker.
Washington Examiner: Florida @RepMattGaetz, One of @RepKevinMcCarthy’s most stubborn opponents, is vowing not to fold and to continue the current stalemate until the California Republican either agrees to the defectors’ demands or drops out altogether.
“I think this ends one of two ways...Either Kevin bows out, realizing there is no path to become speaker of the House even with one or two or three or five of the 20 who have opposed him half a dozen times on the floor, or he essentially has to wake up, bring the House into session, and put on a straitjacket with a rules package that we’ve presented to him that doesn’t allow a lot of discretion for the speaker of the House.”
1/06/2023 - Rik Schneider: The Love Goddess Rita Hayworth.
Rita Hayworth in Color: As some people do not believe that some of Ritas pics were a little bit altered here is another example of a great color photograph of the "Affair in Trinidad" looking Rita posing in front of the piles of her future movie "Salome" by William Dieterle !
With or without body-retouch she is breathtaking !
1/07/2023 - Rik Schneider: As a Center-Right, Independent Democrat at this point, I like the idea of open rules, and committee markups when it comes to legislating in the House. But when you only have a 5 seat majority, as now Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Majority Leader Stave Scalise have and any one member of the House can move to recall the Speaker, is that giving up too much, just for one job where you might not even have it for two years and could lose it in 2024, if Democrats win back the House?
1/10/2023 - Rik Schneider: Townhall: JOY BEHAR: "We all know that Trump is a liar and a thief...We don’t think Biden is a liar and a thief, so we give him the benefit of the doubt."
Rik Schneider: Damn! I agree with Joy Behar on something. And I don't even drink alcohol or use illegal drugs.
1/11/2023 - The Love Goddess Rita Hayworth is perfect in this film.
Rita Hayworth In Color: A genius for a father and a "Love-Goddess" as mother - for their daughter "Becky" a bit too much of great genes ! Original "one-sheet" of 1947 !
1/16/2023 - Rik Schneider: The Love Goddess Rita Hayworth, still a gorgeous pussycat.
Rita Hayworth In Color: In 1964 at the only Academy Awards Rita ever attended ( only as a presentator ) Steve McQueen had eyes only for Rita ! He said "She is my all-time favorite"!
Gina Lollobrigida tried hard to catch his attention. đ
1/20/2023 - Rik Schneider: I don't think the Oakland Raiders even beat the San Diego Chargers in the 1980 AFC Championship, let alone make it to Super Bowl 15 against the Philadelphia Eagles, without Kenny King. He provided the outside running and speed that they hadn't have before. He was a great complement to FB Mark Van Eeghen in the Raiders running game.
Joel Dominguez: University of Oklahoma Sooners, 1976 - 1978.
Running Back.
Houston Oilers, 1979.
Running Back.
Oakland - Los Ă
ngeles Raiders, 1980 - 1985.
Running Back.
#33. Kenny. KING. đ️đ..
1/24/2023 - Rik Schneider: The Love Goddess Rita Hayworth. Still gorgeous and still cute as a button in 1970.
Rita Hayworth In Color: It even came out last year as a bluray with a psychedelic inspired cover ! đź
There it says its from 1970 ! Rita does look good though !
1/27/2023 - Rik Schneider: Eddie Brown was an excellent big play receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals in the 1980s. I'm only surprised he only played 8 years, otherwise he would probably he in the Hall of Fame today.
Joel Dominguez: University of Miami Hurricanes 1983 - 1985.
Wide Receiver.
Cincinnati BENGALS, 1985 - 1992.
Wide Receiver. đ️đđ€.
University of Southern California Trojans, 1979 - 1981.
San Francisco Forty Niners, 1981 - 1990.
Safety. đ
#81 Eddie BROWN vs. #42 Ronnie LOTT.
1/28/2023 - Rik Schneider: Not only is Cincinnati Bengals QB Ken Anderson the best QB whose currently eligible for the HOF, whose not there yet, but he's better than a lot of QB's who are currently there, like Bob Griese, Bart Starr, perhaps even Fran Tarkenton, as good as Dan Fouts. Bengal fans are getting screwed here.
I think this is from Super Bowl 16 at the Pontiac Silverdome, against the San Francisco 49ers.
Jamaal King: It’s been time to put this man in Canton.
Rik Schneider: One of the reasons why we have a cultural war in America, is because you have Christian-Nationalist groups like the The Heritage Foundation trying to impose their cultural values on everyone else.
@Heritage: There is no such thing as a “family friendly” drag show.
1/29/2023 - Rik Schneider: Replace The Love Boat theme song with the words The Love Goddess, instead of The Love Boat and have Rita Hayworth sing it, it would be a great song.
Rita Hayworth In Color: Eating a sandwich was never more beautiful than in this homestory of 1946 !
1/30/2023 - Rik Schneider: As far as winning the Republican nomination for President, I think that's exactly what Ron DeSantis represents. But then you to the general election, where his policies as Governor of Florida, might be even more unpopular than Donald Trump.
@m_hoov: "People see him as someone who can take the torch from the former president and move it forward without some of the other baggage that's there."
@repnancymace explains why @rondesantisfl has emerged as a possible alternative to #Trump for 2024.
2/02/2023 - Rik Schneider: What Heritage conveniently leaves out, is that the national debt under President Trump, went from 19 billion-dollars, to 27 billion when he left office just two years ago. That's a 40% increase in just 4 years. But all their other stats on this post are correct.
Heritage Foundation: It took the government 215 years (from George Washington to George W. Bush) to reach $7 trillion in debt.
We added another $7 trillion in just 27 months — from March 2020 to June 2022.
Now, our federal debt is $31.4 trillion, the equivalent of $242,000 per household.
Washington Examiner: AOC EXPLODES on House Republicans following Ilhan Omar's committee ousting.
"This is about targeting women of color in the United States of America!"
Rik Schneider: Leave it to Alexandria O. Cortez to say something stupid and crazy, with no evidence to back it up, especially about race and culture. She's the Far-Left version of Marjorie T. Greene.
Source:Instagram- Washington Examiner. U.S. Representative Alexandria O. Cortez (Democratic Socialist, Bronx, New York) |
From the
Washington Examiner
2/03/2023 - Rik Schneider: I'm a center-right, classical liberal never-trumper and I love what The Lincoln Project did to Donald Trump in 2020. But now they look like spokespeople for the DNC, even their Republicans, who are supposed to be Conservatives. : "Biden can't even do a recession right!" - the GOP probably
2/05/2023 - The DNC turned their back on rural America by voting to change the primary calendar just to prop up a POTUS with 42% approval ratings.
Rik Schneider: Alice, you know better. The Republican Party is now the party of rural America. The Democratic Party is the party of urban America.
2/07/2023 - @realmarjoriegreene: It’s just an innocent balloon… #SOTU
Rik Schneider: Marjorie T. Greene might be crazy, but she's so freakin cute.
2/08/2023 - Michael Steele: Pathetic on every level.
Rik Schneider: Maybe MTG thought she was at the Academy Awards instead. Or at her latest reality TV tryout.
2/09/2023 - Marjorie T. Greene: At the State of the Union, Joe Biden did what he does best - LIE!
I won’t apologize for calling him out. #SOTU
Rik Schneider: Apparently Representative Greene thought she was trying out for a reality TV show. And now aware she was actually at a SOTU, where a decent level of professionalism, decency, maturity, is expected.
Rik Schneider: We'll never know this for sure of course, but imagine how good John Riggins would've been and his career, had the Redskins drafted him in 1971, instead of the New York Jets. Maybe JR wins a Super Bowl in the 1970s with the Redskins.
Greg Bramwell: Younger generations either don't know or forget how good Riggo was with the Jets. Just couldn't get the ball enough under Joe Namath's tenure.
2/10/2023 - Rik Schneider: When the Bengals and Browns are good at the same time (which hasn't happened often) or at the very least competitive at the same time and both in the AFC Playoff race at the same time, this is one of the best rivalries in all the NFL. Right up there with Giants-Eagles, Redskins-Cowboys, Packers-Vikings, Rams-49ers, etc. It's two games that all of Ohio loves and goes too. As I've said before, Bengals QB Ken Anderson should've been in the Hall of Fame a long time ago.
Bruce Holliday: When Cincy played Cleveland in the 70's they looked like intermural squads as their unis were so similar. I guess Paul Brown wanted payback for getting fired from the team he founded.
It’s because none of her ideas are actually her own.
Rik Schneider: Why does MTG want to debate a "chicken"? Is she hungry?
2/16/2023 - Rik Schneider: I got Tom Chambers down as one of the best offensive power forwards ever. Great size as a power forward, great quickness as a small forward. You really needed to be a great athlete, who was big, strong, and quick, to have any chance ay guarding him.
Chambers was drafted by the San Diego Clippers with the 8th pick in the 1981 Draft. He played at power forward for the 1st time after being a center in college, spending his first 3 seasons with the team. He emerged as an offensive force at Seattle and then Phoenix, averaging at least 20 points per game in 6 of his 7 seasons, beginning in 1984-85, including a career-high 27.2 points with Phoenix in 1989-90.
He played in the 1993 finals with Phoenix, when the Suns lost 6 games against the Bulls.
Chambers finished his career with 20,049 points, the most of any eligible player not inducted in the Hall of Fame.
He once scored 60 points in a game, played in 4 All-Star games, he won the MVP award at "the most memorable All-Star game ever" in 1987 and he was also a 2-time All-NBA 2nd Team member during his career.
.jpeg) |
Source:Facebook- Evdoxios Leontaras. Wizards forward Greg Ballard, trying to cover Seattle Sonics forward Tom Chambers, at the Capital Centre. |
Evdoxios Leontaras
2/17/2023 - Rik Schneider: Yes, Jim Brown is still the GOAT NFL runner of all-time, if not GOAT offensive player, and perhaps even GOAT NFL player ever. No one else has had his size, strength, speed, footwork, intelligence, and vision. What he personally accomplished statistically in just 9 seasons, is probably also unmatched.
James Bearman Jr. In any "greatest of all time" discussions, this gentleman must be mentioned. Mr. Jim Brown, who turns 87 today.
2/18/2023 - Rik Schneider: Holly Marie Combs has always been really adorable and really sexy.
2/19/2023 - Rik Schneider: The Love Goddess Rita Hayworth in color. What else could you want?
Rita Hayworth In Color: Ritas "Sadie Thompson" already wore the Monroe and Liz Taylor shortcut that was so in fashion in the mid-fifties !
The movie was even presented in the newest movie technology called "3D" but that did not help making it the great success that her former films always were !
2/20/2023 -
U.S. Representative Marjorie T. Greene: President’s Day 2023. Zelenskyy can’t even wear a tie as he greets the President of the United States. He gladly takes our money in sweat shirts and t-shirts, but Biden is dressed up. So insulting. America Last!!!
Rik Schneider: But I'm sure MTG thinks that Vladimir Putin is a great kind of guy and a true patriot.
Rik Schneider: Based on the bogus (to be kind) report that Dr. Jackson gave of then President Trump's health in 2018, I don't think the Doc should be talking here. Unless his reputation means nothing to him.
Washington Times: Rep. Ronny Jackson, a former White House physician, has accused the current administration for a lack of transparency after President Biden was deemed fit for duty following his annual physical last week.
The Texas Republican, who served as the White House physician to former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, said the administration is continuing to cover up the president’s “deteriorating mental health.”
“(Thursday’s) written physical exam report released by Biden’s physician, Kevin O’Connor, further confirms that this administration is still adamant about concealing the truth,” Mr. Jackson told Fox News Digital.
“Nowhere in the report was there mention of Biden’s deteriorating mental health,” Mr. Jackson said. “This is alarming, considering I have already sent three letters to the White House demanding that Biden receive a cognitive test and that the results be made public, all of which have been ignored. Everyone can see something is wrong — the cover-up needs to end.
Houston, you should read the comments to your own piece.
People agree with me and not the RINO governor of Utah.
Rik Schneider: When even the Governor of Utah (a Republican, by the way) goes after Representative Marjorie T. Greene, and gets his piece up on Fox News, you know that there might be something wrong with her.
There’s not a parent in America that wants their son or daughter dying defending Ukraine’s border.
When have Ukrainian & NATO sons and daughters died defending America’s border?
And when is Joe Biden going to ask for Congressional approval under the War Powers Resolution for his war with Russia and ultimately China that will lead us all into WWIII?
Rik Schneider: President Vladimir Putin's Press Secretary Marjorie T. Greene, speaking out against President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. And she says she's underpaid.
3/02/2023 - Rik Schneider: The Love Goddess Rita Hayworth. She had one of the cutest and prettiest smiles in the world.
In her movie "Affair in Trinidad" of 1952 though the "thrill was gone" as John Kobal wrote so well in his book about Rita !
Still beautiful but not with this famous "smile" anymore !
3/06/2023 - Rik Schneider: One of President Gerald Ford's best speeches ever, was at the 1976 Republican National Convention. You really see what kind of Conservative Republican he was during that speech.
Battle Cry of Freedom: "Gerald Ford campaign ad during the election in 1976."
Source:YouTube- Battle Cry of Freedom. Gerald R. Ford (Republican, Michigan) 38th President of the United States (1974-77) |
Battle Cry of Freedom
3/08/2023 - Rik Schneider: Not everyday, year, or even decade, that I agree with Phyllis Schlafly on anything. But she was always right about the ERA. It's unnecessary because women have always had the same constitutional rights as men in America, under the U.S. Constitution. Federal courts have already decided that.
Here is Phyllis Schlafly's seminal answer to Do American women need an Equal Rights Amendment?
Rik Schneider: Rik Schneider: Of course! Because America hates winning.
3/10/2023 - Rik Schneider: America was better off in 1976 with a President Gerald Ford, then when they were in 1974 with President Richard Nixon.
4 President: "Future, Gerald Ford 1976 Presidential Campaign TV Ad, Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library,"
3/16/2023 - Rik Schneider: To tell you how great Jim Brown was: to call him "one of the greats" is almost an injustice to him, not just an understatement. He's the NFL GOAT runner.
Derek Edgehill: One of the greats Cleveland Browns Jim Brown against the Eagles
3/31/2023 - Rik Schneider: Short-term, any indictment of Donald J. Trump only helps him in the Republican Party, especially his MAGA case. But if getting back to The White House is DJT's main goal, there's no way this could help him, even if he wins the Republican nomination, since MAGA is only at 1/3 of the American electorate. And you would have to assume that an overwhelmingly majority of Americans, don't want a convicted felon or a man on trial for felonies, as their next POTUS.
4/04/2023 - Rik Schneider: Expect the usual #MAGA freakout over their cult leader and favorite criminal defendant, Donald J. Trump. Remember, it's not facts and evidence that MAGA cares about. Just loyalty and protecting their man.
4/07/2023 - Rik Schneider: This Clarence Thomas story needs to be looked into either by DOJ or Senate Judiciary. If the POTUS is not above the law, (which they're not) then neither are U.S. Justice's.
4/11/2023 - Rik Schneider: Marcus Allen was a lock for the Pro Football Hall of Fame, simply because of what he accomplished with the Los Angeles Raiders. The best all around RB of the 1980s.
Noah Mocettini: Was Marcus Allen a HOF lock with the Raiders or did he need those solid 5 seasons in KC to officially be a lock and a first Ballot for that matter? What he did in his first 4 years with the Raiders was unbelievable. Rookie of the year, SB MVP, and league MVP. It was a great time to be a Raider and a horrible time to be in KC. But after 1985 he wasn't played all that much and he remained there until 1992. Once he went to KC he was able to resurrect his career.
Republican Accountability: Donald Trump claims that courthouse workers were crying and told him "I'm sorry" when he was arraigned.
Rik Schneider: This just in: Donald J. Trump lies a lot. This report is not brought to you by The Onion.
Also in the news: Compulsive Liars of America, once again nominated Donald J. Trump as their President. The Onion might have had that story.
4/24/2023 - @
The Free State: Karen McDougal with some honest words for Tucker Carlson.
Karen McDougal: Wishing Tucker Carlson all the best in whatever new endeavors the future may hold for him that don't require lying & defaming others. đđŒ
4/25/2023 - @
The FreeState: I hate to say this, but Speaker McCarthy is actually right about this. But to be completely fair, House Republicans weren't pushing for a pay for in the debt ceiling when Donald Trump was POTUS and they had complete control of Congress. They only do that when Democrats are in charge.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy: As a Senator, Joe Biden voted multiple times for debt limit increases that were attached to spending reforms. What changed, Mr. President?
5/31/2023 - @
Rik Schneider: “Baby Gotta Gun” is what I think of when I see this photo of Lauren Boebert. She really has no business in government and is just a Far-Right political activist. Perhaps Sarah Palin, without the comedic timing.
9/04/2023 - @
The FreeState: Did Rita Hayworth have one of the cutest smiles in the world? She was absolutely adorable.
Rita Hayworth In Color: Yes the real Rita preferred simple things to the sophisticated ones. Kirk Douglas - her next date after Ali - also found her not "entertaining" enough as he told in his memoirs.
Rare color-corrected pic of Ritas coming-home to the USA in 1951!
She was the real "barefoot contessa" - a plain dancing girl that was catapulted to stardom due to its great beauty.
Director Joseph L.Mankiewicz used Ritas life-story to make his movie-masterpiece only three years later - with the non-less beautiful Ava Gardner! đ
Rita Hayworth In Color: Rita resting in-between scenes of her great dancing number in "Affair in Trinidad" - "I've been kissed before" đ¶đ”
" You weren't the first and you won't be the last"! đ
She lectures everyone about the LGBT community being a threat to children while getting caught performing a lewd sex act in a public theatre where children possibly were.
This is”family values”? This is why people think the GOP are all hypocrites.
9/17/2023 - @
Nikki Haley: This is your reminder that a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for President Kamala Harris.
Rik Schneider: This is your reminder that when you are too scared to run against Donald Trump and Joe Biden, you run for Vice President and against the sitting Vice President.
9/18/2023 - @
Nikki Haley: Border Czar Kamala Harris hasn't done a thing to stop this. Think of the chaos that would happen if she became president. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for President Kamala Harris.
Bill Melugin: BREAKING: One of the largest mass illegal crossings we have ever seen took place in Eagle Pass, TX this morning, w/ Border Patrol sources telling us over 2,200 people crossed there since midnight. It happened right next to the port of entry, as illegal immigrants continue to ignore Biden admin messaging of “do not come”, & do not fear the promised “consequences” for crossing illegally. Videos from source in MX & our FOX drone team on US side.
Rik Schneider: I wonder if Nikki Haley is even aware that she's running for POTUS. Her main opponent Donald Trump has just admitted that he ignored his own lawyers during his election interference campaign. You would think a good presidential candidate would find a way to use that against him.
9/21/2023 - @
Meghan McCain: I just feel like it’s not that big of an ask to request our lawmakers representing our country to put on pants to work.
Rik Schneider: Come on, Meghan! Who doesn't want to see Senator Susan Collins in a bikini?
9/24/2023 - @
Meghan McCain: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist.
Rik Schneider: There are plenty of people you could say are working for the devil. And plenty of places that you could call hell.
Will Blount: I disagree with this. It says Hottest Black Woman of the 70s. I think she’s one of the Hottest Women Period, of All Time!
9/29/2023 - @
Bill Kristol: Time for “moderate” House Republicans to join Democrats in a discharge petition to prevent the shutdown, or end it promptly. Time for “responsible” Republicans to…actually behave responsibly and take some responsibility.
10/01/2023 - @
Bill Kristol: The Biden Administration signaled it could work around no Ukraine funds in the 45-day CR--there's stuff in the pipeline, Europe can help, etc. But the whole world is watching. Biden has to say now and unequivocally this is a mere hiccup, and there'll be full funding for Ukraine.
Rik Schneider: I'm starting to love Neoconservative Bill. Not that I want to propose to him or anything.
10/03/2023 - @
Ari Fleischer: Unbelievable. The Democrats, with the help of Matt Gaetz and a handful of GOP Members, just ousted the Republican Speaker of the House. What a mess. This is so foolish. Why would anyone want to be Speaker of the House.
Rik Schneider: Oh, Ari, you know this is the House MAGA that's doing this. It's Matt Gaetz that brought the motion to vacate to the House floor, not any House Democrat. What reason do House Democrats have to save Kevin McCarthy?
10/04/2023 - @
Ari Fleischer: Unmentioned in the vote to dump the Speaker is the role of the Ds in the so-called Problem Solver caucus. Yesterday could have been their big moment and they were useless. They didn’t solve a problem - they were mere partisans. There are no Problem Solvers in Congress.
Rik Schneider: Ari, imagine Speaker Nancy Pelosi being recalled by the Far-Left of her caucus. Would you expect moderate House Republicans to bail her out?
10/05/2023 - @
Ari Fleischer: Unbelievable. The Democrats, with the help of Matt Gaetz and a handful of GOP Members, just ousted the Republican Speaker of the House. What a mess. This is so foolish. Why would anyone want to be Speaker of the House.
Rik Schneider: Breaking news from Ari Fleischer: Matt Gatez and the other 7 House Republicans that voted to vacate Kevin McCarthy, are actually Democrats dressed up as Republicans for Halloween. You heard this first from The Onion, I mean Arie Fleischer. LOL
10/08/2023 - @
Meghan McCain: Israelis were murdered by Palestinian terrorists - it's not complicated.
You are garbage.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer: I have been in touch with communities impacted by what’s happening in the region. It is abhorrent. My heart is with all those impacted. We need peace in this region.
Rik Schneider: I don't know about "garbage", Governor Whitmer has an excellent record against terrorists in her own state. But this is her 2017 Charlottesville moment, where she sounds like a politician worried about losing votes, then a real leader. Is she worried about losing the HAMAS vote in her own state?
10/13/2023 - @
Liz Cheney: Jim Jordan was involved in Trump's conspiracy to steal the election and seize power; he urged that Pence refuse to count lawful electoral votes. If Rs nominate Jordan to be Speaker, they will be abandoning the Constitution. They’ll lose the House majority and they’ll deserve to.
10/16/2023 - @
Meghan McCain: I just cannot get over the abject insanity of these Ivy League schools who have screamed for years that "speech is literal violence" but now beheading babies, raping women, and kidnapping children from their parents is somehow not.
10/17/2023 - @
Mary L. Trump: Kasich just went on MSBC and said it was the Democrats’ job to help Republicans pick their leader:
ZERO Republicans voted for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House in 2007.
ZERO Republicans voted for her in 2021.
It would be extremely helpful if the media remembered this. đ
Rik Schneider: John Kasich is normally not that braindead. And House Democrats aren't dumb enough to put out the MAGA's House's fire, without anything substantial in return.
10/21/2023 - @
FOX News: 'IGNORANCE': Ivy League graduate Bill Maher bashes colleges for 'indoctrination' and compares them to a 'day spa combined with North Korean re-education camp.'
Rik Schneider: And what's worst is that these schools are at least smart enough to know how wrong they are.
10/23/2023 - @
Ari Fleischer: This is the most tone-deaf answer ever. The question was about anti-Semitism and KJP talks about threats to Muslim Americans.
I guess the fact that Jews are attacked doesn’t register with her.
RNC Research: "What is [Biden's] level of concern right now about a potential rise of antisemitism?"
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: "Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate-fueled attacks"
Rik Schneider: Ari, what do you expect? Karine Jean-Pierre use to work for MoveOn and other left-wing organizations? She probably wants to go back.
Blake Masters: I’m running for Congress, to fight for Arizona’s 8th.
Biden has failed. We need Trump back. We need to stop inflation, Build the Wall, avoid WW3, and secure Arizona’s water future. We need to fight for our families.
DONATE NOW to send me to the House…
10/29/2023 - @
Ann Coulter: This is like a Bill O'Reilly interpretation of the New Testament.
<<[Speaker Mike] Johnson, an evangelical Christian .. noted how his faith led him to support the nation. “As a Christian, I know, and we believe, the Bible teaches very clearly that we’re to stand with Israel.”>>
Rik Schneider: Maybe Mike Johnson believes he's the Speaker of an Evangelical House of Worship, instead of the U.S. House of Representatives.
10/29/2023 - @
Justin Ready: Or…maybe one could…you know…not say anti-Semitic things while criticizing Israel’s governmental decisions. And/or don’t criticize them for fighting anti-Semitic terrorists. Just a thought.
RCP Video: Dem Rep. Pramila Jayapal: We Need To Be Able To Criticize Israeli Policy Without Being Called Anti-Semitic...
10/31/2023 - @
Meghan McCain: Did you just now realize you have no hope whatsoever of running for Gillibrand’s seat in the Senate being the founding daughter of the Hamas caucus?
Everyone sees exactly who you and your friends are - and one weak kneed tweet after all the damage sure as hell won’t change that.
Alexandria O. Cortez: Now more than ever, we must emphasize the importance of separating people from governments.
Antisemitism is disgusting and unacceptable. We have a responsibility to defend our Jewish brothers, sisters, and siblings from hatred. No movement of integrity should tolerate it. Ever.
Rik Schneider: Ouch! Meghan McCain verbally beating the hell out of Alexandria O. Cortez.
11/01/2023 - @
Ann Coulter: 1) No Democrat will lose to Trump. It's not possible.
2) After bringing in 10-20 mil new Dem voters over 8 years, no Dem will ever lose again.
Mickey Kaus: I still don't understand why it's so important to Biden to have these many millions of new, unauthorized people in the country that he's willing to LOSE TO TRUMP because of it. ...
Rik Schneider: I don't know about that, Ann. Elizabeth Warren, the so-called Squad in the House, perhaps even Bernie Sanders. If you were a normal Republican, you might vote for The Donald over those anti-Democrats.
Salon: MAGA and Christian nationalism: Bigger threat to America than Hamas could ever be.
Rik Schneider: Salon once again is obviously wrong. But Meghan, you can be better than that.
It is past time for us to recognize how toxic of a presence AIPAC has been in our political system.
Rik Schneider: I think we can now drop Democratic from Democratic Socialist and just call them Socialists. Amazing that any American politician, could side with HAMAS, over any of our allies.
Rik Schneider: Without their socialist cell phones, coffee houses, music players, trendy fashions, etc. They would be begging to be returned to a liberal democratic country within minutes of their socialist experiment.
11/06/2023 - @
The FreeState: Notice what Alina Habba says in public, is not what she ever says in court. And she can never back up what she says in public, what she says in court.
Washington Examiner: Donald J. Trump's lawyer, Alina Habba vents to reporters over their treatment in court as the former president testifies in his fraud trial in New...
11/08/2023 - @
IN ADDITION to losing Ohio Tuesday night, Gov Glenn Youngkin lost big in Virginia -- because of pro-life zealots.
A 15-week abortion limit would have been fine with VA voters, but Republicans couldn't promise to stop there…
Rik Schneider: I must be high on that new Ohio marijuana now, because I just heard both Alice Stewart and Ann Coulter, sound reasonable on abortion. I better get back to Maryland. Wait, marijuana is legal there as well.
11/09/2023 - @
Ari Fleischer: Joe Manchin didn’t simply announce he wasn’t running for re-election. He really announced he’s launching a presidential exploratory committee as a centrist third party candidate. That’s the news.
11/11/2023 - @
Bill Kristol: The Arab leaders now meeting in Saudi Arabia are responsible for far, far more Arab deaths than anything Israel has ever done.
Rik Schneider: Most of the Arab world is a police state. The Jewish State of Israel is not.
11/12/2023 - @
The FreeState: One of the prettiest baby faces that you'll ever see and Maura Tierney is a grown woman.
11/20/2023 - @
The FreeState: Then maybe The Heritage Foundation should stay away from them. As well as get lives.
11/24/2023 - @
Bill Kristol: Needless to say, when Nikki Haley was governor of South Carolina and had executive responsibility for ~ 60,000 state employees, she didn’t do this. In fact, I believe Nikki herself served in the same state position, as governor, for more than five years.
Nikki Haley: Under #TheFreedomPlan, we won’t just have term limits for politicians—we will limit bureaucrats too. No bureaucrat should hold the same position for more than five years.
11/27/2023 - @
Mary L. Trump: In case you missed it, in a rant this morning, Donald insisted he is not cognitively impaired.
Do you disagree with his statement?
Rik Schneider: Mary, I would love know what you do to try to deal with the fact that Donald J. Trump is your uncle. Talk about you never-ending nightmares.
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