Liberal Democracy

Liberal Democracy
The Free State

Friday, June 21, 2013

Fox News: Ann Coulter On Sean Hannity

Source:Fox News- The bipartisan Gang of 8 in the U.S. Senate, on immigration reform.

Source:The FreeState

Ann Coulter: “If the GOP is this stupid, they deserve to die.”

From the Mass Tea Party 

Ann Coulter comes from the Far-Right-Wing of the Republican Party and in America in general, who believes that everyone whose in the United States currently illegally, should automatically be deported, regardless of their circumstances, who old they are, and what they bring to America as far as their ability and skills to contribute to America. And any compromise either within the Republican Party, especially in Congress, especially with the Democratic Party, either with Congressional Democrats or The White House, is an act of treason.

When you come from the fringes in America, you use words like treason and traitor a lot. You don’t just use them, you throw them around (like political footballs) hoping you can bring enough people around you to stop whatever you’re fighting against. Perhaps not even knowing the true meaning of the big words that you use. Which is what Ann Coulter does practically every time she ever opens up her mouth about anyone or anything, that she disagrees with.