Liberal Democracy

Liberal Democracy
The Free State

Friday, November 9, 2012

Jack Hunter: 'Constitutional Conservatism'

Source:The Daily Caller- conservative blogger Jack Hunter.

"This is the third installment in Jack Hunter’s new Daily Caller video commentary series, “The Deal with Jack Hunter.” In this week’s installment, Jack argues that Rick Santorum’s insistence that the federal government should set national social policies threatens both our constitutional and moral values.

Jack Hunter (also known by his radio moniker the “Southern Avenger”) is a frequent guest on Fox Business, Michael Savage’s nationally syndicated radio program “The Savage Nation” and a frequent guest host on The Mike Church Show on Sirius XM. Hunter is the co-author of “The Tea Party Goes to Washington” by Sen. Rand Paul, assisted Sen. Jim DeMint with his book “Now or Never: How to Save America from Economic Collapse” and writes the Paulitical Ticker blog for the Ron Paul 2012 Campaign." 

"Jack Hunter, radio personality & columnist, weighs in on today's definition of Conservatism. Liberty Political Action Conference (LPAC) in Reno, NV

Brought to you by Liberty News Network - a project of The John Birch Society." 

Source:The New American- conservative blogger Jack Hunter.

From The New American 

"In a heavily Democratic state, Goldwater became a conservative Republican and a friend of Herbert Hoover. He was outspoken against New Deal liberalism, especially its close ties to labor unions. A pilot, amateur radio operator, outdoorsman and photographer, he criss-crossed Arizona and developed a deep interest in both the natural and the human history of the state. He entered Phoenix politics in 1949, when he was elected to the City Council as part of a nonpartisan team of candidates pledged to clean up widespread prostitution and gambling. The team won every mayoral and council election for the next two decades. Goldwater rebuilt the weak Republican party and was instrumental in electing Howard Pyle as Governor in 1950. 

Goldwater's maverick and direct style had made him extremely popular with Republican Party's suburban conservative voters, based on the South and the senator's native West. Following the success of Conscience of a Conservative, Goldwater became the frontrunner for the GOP Presidential nomination to run against his close friend John F. Kennedy.[69] Despite their disagreements on politics, Goldwater and Kennedy had grown to become close friends during the eight years they served alongside each other in the Senate. With Goldwater the clear GOP frontrunner, he and Kennedy began planning to campaign together, holding Lincoln-Douglas style debates across the country and avoiding a race defined by the kind of negative attacks that were increasingly coming to define American politics." 

Source:Wikipedia- Mr. Conservative U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater (Republican, Arizona)

From Wikipedia

Jack Hunter's brand of conservatism, is the same conservatism as Barry Goldwater's or Calvin Coolidge's or Warren Harding's conservatism, from the 1920s, perhaps even Robert Taft's conservatism from the 1940s, Gerald Ford's from the 1960s and 70s. 

This conservatism is known as classical or constitutional conservatism, conservative libertarianism, that's based on limited government and that the government that works the best, does the least, meaning only what we actually need it do to and is the government that's closest to home. Instead of having a Federal solution to deal with every social and right-wing cultural war issue that the country is debating. 

So when you have right-wing Christian populists like Rick Santorum or Michele Bachmann stand up and run for high office, promising to fight and win the Cultural War with big government, Federal programs and policies, the Jack Hunter's of the world stand up and say, no. There isn't a Federal solution to solve every issue that the Christian-Right in America sees as problems that country faces. 

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