Liberal Democracy

Liberal Democracy
The Free State

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

National Geographic: 'The Final Report: Watergate'

Source:National Geographic- The Watergate Hotel and Office Complex in Washington.

"The Final Report: Watergate (National Geographic)" 

From Michael L. Clark

It's hard to imagine a dumber political scandal in American political history (and that's saying a mountain's worth) than the Watergate break-in by President Richard Nixon's reelection committee in 1972. I mean this was the equivalent of robbing a loaf of bread at a local convenient store and taking nothing else. 

But Richard Nixon was so paranoid and his people were so loyal to him and they believed the more political information that you have on your opponents, the better and they believed that President Nixon would've approved of this operation, that they did it for him. But there's no evidence to suggest that President Nixon either gave the approval of the operation, or knew about it before it happened.

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