Liberal Democracy

Liberal Democracy
The Free State

Monday, March 19, 2012

Washington Times: ‘The Left’s War On Rednecks’

Source:The Washington Times- Real Time With Bill Maher.

Source:The Daily Post 

“In their own minds, liberals are open-minded and promote diversity – unless they’re talking about a white, southern, conservative believer. In that case, it’s open season for intolerance.

Tuesday’s Republican primaries in Mississippi and Alabama brought out the worst in some liberal commentators. HBO’s Bill Maher added to his recent difficulties by tweeting “Toothless Tuesday too tight to tally! We’re gathered around the magic picture box with a bowl of grits watching the returns come in!” This was a mean-spirited dig based on cartoonish stereotypes of the South.

Mr. Maher’s defenders might point to Jeff Foxworthy’s brand of humor, listing the alleged characteristics of rednecks. Mr. Foxworthy – who last week endorsed Mitt Romney for president – always delivers his lines with a wink, whereas Mr. Maher has developed a permanent smirk. Mr. Foxworthy’s blue-collar fans might nod and admit that some jokes ring a little true; Mr. Maher’s privileged left-wing devotees are already certain that the people in those states are illiterate hillbillies. To paraphrase Lynyrd Skynyrd, southern folk don’t need them around anyhow.”

I agree with The Washington Times (which is a big city, Mid-Atlantic newspaper, in the heart of Blue America) as far as how the American-Left defines rednecks and Southern-Anglo-Saxon-Protestants in America. But similar to how making fun of ghetto people and hip hop culture or left-wing elitist culture is not bigoted or racist, neither is making fun of SASP (Southern Anglo Saxon Protestants) either.

Both sides have their faults and their strengths. I’m not comfortable with either group, because I tend to see urban leftists as snobs, bigots, and even at times as racists towards European-Americans, or at least English-Protestants. And I tend to see political rednecks as bigots who seem to be stuck in some 1950s time warp and never got the memo (perhaps because they can’t read) that America has moved past Ozzie and Harriet’s, Beaver Cleaver, John Wayne’s 1940s and 50s America.

We’re just a lot more diverse as a society now and not just ethnically and racially, but culturally, with all sorts of new, mainstream lifestyles and definitions about what the American Dream is and what it means to be a real American today.

Rednecks or the Christian-Right has been revolting against the Cultural Revolution since the 1960s and again wants to take us back to the 1950s culturally and politically. Urban hipster-leftists, would try to erase redneck or (SASP) culture and force their way of life onto everyone else. Which is why you have this modern culture war going on between these two political fringes.

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