SCHATZ AND LAZOF: Raising taxes won't fix bloated government - Washington Times
One of the problems that America has when it comes to fiscal policy and what the role of government should be. Is that Americans tend to want more government then they are willing to pay for, high taxes are unpopular in this country. Unlike in Europe but high government spending isn't especially if Americans don't have to pay for it in higher taxes. And the Federal Government unlike State Governments can just borrow money from Russia, China, Saudi Arabia etc. To pay for their government spending that Americans don't want to pay for themselves and if politicians. Force them to pay for the government spending in either higher taxes or in spending cuts, politicians risk. Losing what in too many cases they cherish most which is their jobs either in Congress or in the White House. Unlike one of the advantages that state governments have is that they don't control the Federal currency. So they can't take out a loan from another country and are forced to pay their bills with either new revenue. Or by cutting spending which forces the states to set priorities and actually have a budget and not decide to. Spend more just because some new crisis arises.
So if we really want to get our fiscal house and order so to speak where at the very least our debt and deficit. Is not growing faster then our economy and they are actually coming down and shrinking, we need to restore. Limited government in this country which is going to require politicians to actually lead and tell voters I can't. Do everything that you want me to do for you with either current revenue or spending levels, which means I. Need you to layout what you want me to do and I'll do what I can to do that for you or I'll tell you what I expect. Government to do based on the resources that we have based on what I believe the Federal Government should be doing. And it might not be as much government that you want from me but it will be based on what I believe the. Federal Government should be doing based on the resources that we have and if we are going to go further then. That I'm going to have to cut in areas where the Federal Government shouldn't have as big of a role and where. The people should be doing more for themselves.
Limited government is especially important especially in an era of limited resources with rising debt and deficits. And with sluggish economic growth which means politicians need to figure out exactly what the Federal Government. Should be doing and cut in areas where we shouldn't be spending as much money and reform in areas where. We need the government to play a role but need it to do a better job and that means cutting budgets, making government. Work better and requiring that all Americans are paying their fair share in taxes.
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Saturday, December 22, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
George F. Will: 'Modern Progressivism See Constitution’s Limits As, Well, Unconstitutional'
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Source:East Bay Times- U.S Senate Democratic Leadership. From Left to Right (not necessarily ideologically) Dick Durbin, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and Patty Murray. |
"Ideas are not responsible for the people who believe them, but when evaluating Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s ideas for making the Senate more like the House of Representatives, consider the source. Reid is just a legislative mechanic trying to make Congress’ machinery efficiently responsive to his party’s progressivism. And proper progressives think the Constitution, understood as a charter of limited government, is unconstitutional.
They think the “living” Constitution gives government powers sufficient for whatever its ambitions are, enabling it to respond quickly to clamorous majorities. Hence the progressive campaign to substantially weaken the ability of senators to use filibusters to delay action.
Until 1917, it was generally impossible to stop extended Senate debates. Then — during the administration of Woodrow Wilson, the Democrats’ first progressive president — the Senate adopted the cloture rule whereby debate could be ended by a two-thirds majority vote. In 1975, the requirement was lowered to three-fifths. If there is now another weakening of minority rights, particularly by a change brought about by breaking Senate rules, the Senate will resemble the House. There the majority controls the process and the disregarded minority can only hope to one day become the majority and repay disregard in kind.
Wilson was the first president to criticize the American founding, which he did because the Constitution bristles with delaying and blocking mechanisms, especially the separation of powers. The point of progressivism, say its adherents, is to progress up from the Founders’ fetish with limiting government and restraining majorities. Hence progressives’ animus against the filibuster, which protects minority rights by allowing for the measurement of intensity as well as mere numbers."
You can read the rest of George Will's column at the East Bay Times
George Will's column is about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (Democrat, Nevada) attempt to reform the Senate to make it harder for the minority party (in this case the Republican Party) to block legislation by simply voting against cloture, instead of actually just filibustering legislation by holding the floor and speaking about whatever the bill on the floor is. Or blocking legislation by simply voting against the motion to proceed resolution, that also requires 60 votes for the Senate to just begin debate on any bill that needs 60 votes to break a filibuster.
I agree with George Will that the Senate should not become like the House of Representatives and it should remain the upper chamber of Congress where minority rights are protected and where the Senate Minority Leader should remain a major player in as far as how legislation is written and passed. But right now the Senate is the Congressional graveyard where legislation goes to die. Where Senate Republicans led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, blocks any legislation that wasn't already passed by the Republican House, generally with just 43-47 votes out of a hundred.
When the two parties and leaders in the Senate can't come together on any legislation, the Senate Majority Leader should be able to act on his own to bring legislation and executive nominees up for consideration. And the Senate minority party, led by the Minority Leader should be able to offer and indefinite amount of relevant amendments to the current legislation that's being offered, within a certain period of time. And after every amendment is offered and every member who wants to be heard on any bill and nominee that's being considered is given that opportunity, the Senate would then vote up or down.
If the minority party, led by the Minority Leader, actually wants to hold the floor and filibuster the legislation, they could do that to block the legislation, until they give up the floor or are cut off with 60 votes or more for cloture. Instead of just voting against cloture, just to block legislation. If Republicans were in the majority in the Senate, they would want this same authority as well.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Washington Times: Opinion: Ted Nugent: "Connecticut Killings a Result of Moral Decay": Why Its Not That Simple
NUGENT: Connecticut killings a result of moral decay - Washington Times
Every time I hear a so called Conservative and if you read this blog on a regular basis you know that I've questioned. And proudly and accurately so the Conservatism of these so called Conservatives especially in a party that had. The opportunity to nominate for President the most Conservative person running for President in Ron Paul. And he only won two Republican primaries, so when I hear so called Conservatives talk about how Conservative. They are because they believe in freedom and fiscal responsibility and that these are the things that will bring. America back to its greatness as if we are no longer great, even though more people still immigrate to this country. Every year more then any other country in the World and then on the other hand I hear some of these so called. Conservatives talk about our moral decay that we have too much freedom in this country and we need to restrict. Our freedom to again restore America to its greatness, I get a little dizzy because what's the first rule in debating. And making an argument, don't contradict yourself, you argue for freedom on one hand and you argue. Against it on the other hand.
Do we have a problem when it comes to moral values in the country and too many families being broken due. To poverty and people making wrong choices about when to have kids and so fourth, of course we do just look. At the amount of people we have in prison in this country the largest prison population in the World but to. Say thats the only problem would be to ignore all of the other problems as well. We have too many Americans that have access to firearms in this country that have no legitimate business. To firearms in this country, the second amendment is for responsible adults in this country, not for mentally handicapped people and criminals. Who don't understand the consequences of what shootings like this can bring to society or don't have a big enough. Conscience to care enough to not shoot innocent children who just happen to be going to school that day. And until we address these issues of guns getting into the wrong hands and how inadequate our mental healthcare. Is in this country we are going to continue to have shootings like this.
We could have the best families and moral values possible but we'll never have a country that doesn't have mental disease. And criminal minds, so unless we can work on all of these issues in a comprehensive approach and get guns. Away from people who have no business possessing them and prevent irresponsible people from possessing. Guns and do a better job of treating our mentally disabled population, we are going to continue to have tragedies like this.
Every time I hear a so called Conservative and if you read this blog on a regular basis you know that I've questioned. And proudly and accurately so the Conservatism of these so called Conservatives especially in a party that had. The opportunity to nominate for President the most Conservative person running for President in Ron Paul. And he only won two Republican primaries, so when I hear so called Conservatives talk about how Conservative. They are because they believe in freedom and fiscal responsibility and that these are the things that will bring. America back to its greatness as if we are no longer great, even though more people still immigrate to this country. Every year more then any other country in the World and then on the other hand I hear some of these so called. Conservatives talk about our moral decay that we have too much freedom in this country and we need to restrict. Our freedom to again restore America to its greatness, I get a little dizzy because what's the first rule in debating. And making an argument, don't contradict yourself, you argue for freedom on one hand and you argue. Against it on the other hand.
Do we have a problem when it comes to moral values in the country and too many families being broken due. To poverty and people making wrong choices about when to have kids and so fourth, of course we do just look. At the amount of people we have in prison in this country the largest prison population in the World but to. Say thats the only problem would be to ignore all of the other problems as well. We have too many Americans that have access to firearms in this country that have no legitimate business. To firearms in this country, the second amendment is for responsible adults in this country, not for mentally handicapped people and criminals. Who don't understand the consequences of what shootings like this can bring to society or don't have a big enough. Conscience to care enough to not shoot innocent children who just happen to be going to school that day. And until we address these issues of guns getting into the wrong hands and how inadequate our mental healthcare. Is in this country we are going to continue to have shootings like this.
We could have the best families and moral values possible but we'll never have a country that doesn't have mental disease. And criminal minds, so unless we can work on all of these issues in a comprehensive approach and get guns. Away from people who have no business possessing them and prevent irresponsible people from possessing. Guns and do a better job of treating our mentally disabled population, we are going to continue to have tragedies like this.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
The Weekly Standard: William Kristol- Robert H. Bork, 1927-2012: The Legacy of Robert Bork
Source: The Weekly Standard Robert H. Bork- |
I'm sure there were tough Supreme Court nomination debates pre-1987 before Robert Bork, but perhaps not before. Not only the TV age, but the TV cable age where there was twenty-four-hour coverage of Congress everyday with C-SPAN. Which is probably a reason why the Bork nomination was so controversial I guess and divisive. Where you had Democrats who couldn't stand the idea of a Robert Bork on the U.S. Supreme Court and you had Republicans who were in love with Bob Bork and represented exactly what they wanted on the Supreme Court. Especially Neoconservative traditionalist Republicans who question whether or not the United States has a right to privacy and how they believe our freedom of speech shouldn't be as strong as it is and don't see things like indefinite detention and the Patriot Act and censorship of certain media as unconstitutional. And how he would've been the exact choice in who Neoconservatives in and outside of the Bush Administration and exactly who they would've wanted on the Supreme Court. Instead of who they got instead which was Anthony Kennedy who has more of a libertarian streak in him.
Another thing that separated Bob Bork from judicial nominations that came after him, was the fact that Judge Bork would almost go out-of-his-way to let the Senate know where he stands on the issues. And said things like the right to privacy doesn't exist and that Roe V. Wade that made abortion legal in the United States was unconstitutional. And decided improperly to use as examples and post-Bork judicial nominations have gone out-of-their-way not to let the Senate know where they stand on the issues. And what they would do instead is tell Senators what they know about cases that they are talking about, but would refuse to tell them what they think about them, just what they know about them. So we would see judicial nominees like John Roberts and Elena Kagan who are very familiar with the cases in front of them, but wouldn't give much of even a hint on where they stand on those cases for fear of being seen as too ideological.
I'm sure Bob Bork was a very fine man certainly a very honest man and you knew where he stood on the issues. But I'm sure as hell glad as a Liberal Democrat that he was rejected by both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate on a bipartisan vote because of where he stood on civil liberties and things like are Federal civil rights laws constitutional or not. Which I believe they clearly are and i'ts almost silly to debate I believe. And believe Judge Bork would've been dangerous to have up on the Supreme Court as we are now debating civil liberties and individual freedom in this country. The other thing I don't get about the Bork Supreme Court nomination is the President who appointed him. President Ronald Reagan a man that described his own politics as libertarian in 1975 and really never ran from that. Didn't give the Christian-Right and other big government Republicans much to admire him as far as policy when he became President. And maybe that is why he nominates Bob Bork, because he saw that as is way to pay back the Far-Right for their support.
Traditionalism-C-SPAN: Booknotes With Brian Lamb- Slouching Towards Gomorrah With Robert Bork
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Washington Times: Editorial: Democracy's Egyptian Peril: The Future of Democracy in Egypt
EDITORIAL: Democracy's Egyptian peril - Washington Times
For anyone who has this vision that Egypt will go from a military dictatorial authoritarian republic to a Liberal Democracy. Like we see in lets say in America overnight, is seeing things and is perhaps suffering from paranoia right now. Thats just not the type of country that Egypt is and has been, the best model for Egypt at least for anyone. Who believes in Democracy, is probably Turkey in the Middle East which is a Democracy that has very deep. Conservative religious beliefs where Turks combine their religious with their political beliefs but what Egypt. Does has its what's known as Liberal Democrats in America Egyptians who believe in ethnic and racial. As well as religious and gender tolerance that all Egyptians should be treated equally under law and people. Who believe in individual freedom, civil liberties and human rights which is progress in a country where these. Beliefs weren't very common in this country just two years ago and if they were made public, these people would. Risk being jailed by the Hosni Mubarak Regime.
Egypt right now is split between Liberal Democrats, I guess Islamist Democrats the Muslim Brotherhood. And the old Mubarak Regime what's called the Democratic Party over there but they aren't very Democratic. At best they would people who would be described as Neoconservatives in America that the state is paramount over the individual. And that freedom has to be limited in order to protect the state that individual freedom can be dangerous. Which basically sums up the current Republican Party in America, a large faction of it anyway. I'm of course as a Liberal Democrat myself in America, are with the Liberal Democrats in Egypt and I hope they'll. Emerge as the governing party over there and hopefully at least in the short term serve as the opposition party to the Islamist Democrats. But for Egyptian Liberals to do well in Egypt they, they have to convince Egyptians why Liberalism is way forward. For Egypt, what individual freedom means and so fourth.
Its not enough for Liberals to say that the Islamists don't go far enough to push Democracy in Egypt and that. They are wrong here and wrong there but they need an agenda of their own to counter what the Islamists are doing. And have an agenda thats built around individual freedom, equal treatment under law for all Egyptians. Why economic freedom should go along with social freedom and religious freedom, why combining religion. With state is dangerous and so fourth they need to communicate what Liberalism would mean for Egypt and why its the way forward. Which is what they haven't done yet.
For anyone who has this vision that Egypt will go from a military dictatorial authoritarian republic to a Liberal Democracy. Like we see in lets say in America overnight, is seeing things and is perhaps suffering from paranoia right now. Thats just not the type of country that Egypt is and has been, the best model for Egypt at least for anyone. Who believes in Democracy, is probably Turkey in the Middle East which is a Democracy that has very deep. Conservative religious beliefs where Turks combine their religious with their political beliefs but what Egypt. Does has its what's known as Liberal Democrats in America Egyptians who believe in ethnic and racial. As well as religious and gender tolerance that all Egyptians should be treated equally under law and people. Who believe in individual freedom, civil liberties and human rights which is progress in a country where these. Beliefs weren't very common in this country just two years ago and if they were made public, these people would. Risk being jailed by the Hosni Mubarak Regime.
Egypt right now is split between Liberal Democrats, I guess Islamist Democrats the Muslim Brotherhood. And the old Mubarak Regime what's called the Democratic Party over there but they aren't very Democratic. At best they would people who would be described as Neoconservatives in America that the state is paramount over the individual. And that freedom has to be limited in order to protect the state that individual freedom can be dangerous. Which basically sums up the current Republican Party in America, a large faction of it anyway. I'm of course as a Liberal Democrat myself in America, are with the Liberal Democrats in Egypt and I hope they'll. Emerge as the governing party over there and hopefully at least in the short term serve as the opposition party to the Islamist Democrats. But for Egyptian Liberals to do well in Egypt they, they have to convince Egyptians why Liberalism is way forward. For Egypt, what individual freedom means and so fourth.
Its not enough for Liberals to say that the Islamists don't go far enough to push Democracy in Egypt and that. They are wrong here and wrong there but they need an agenda of their own to counter what the Islamists are doing. And have an agenda thats built around individual freedom, equal treatment under law for all Egyptians. Why economic freedom should go along with social freedom and religious freedom, why combining religion. With state is dangerous and so fourth they need to communicate what Liberalism would mean for Egypt and why its the way forward. Which is what they haven't done yet.
Monday, December 17, 2012
FRSFreeStatePlus: AEI: Political Report: Is America Still a Center-Right Country?: Barry Goldwater and Jack Kennedy's America
Is America still a center-right country? AEI Political Report, December 2012 - Politics and Public Opinion - AEI
Before I layout where I believe America is politically I just want to give a quote from Barry Goldwater, whose. Probably my favorite Conservative-Libertarian even though I'm more of a classical Liberal but Senator Goldwater. Once said I believe in the 1960s that he wanted Big Government out of his wallet and bedroom and it might of taken. The rest of the country forty years or so to get there themselves but thats basically where I believe America is. Bill Clinton to quote from the left once said that he believed in what's called an opportunity society where all Americans. Would have the opportunity to chart their own course in life and have the freedom to live their own lives, the second part. I'm paraphrasing but thats what an opportunity society is, Americans tend to believe in what's called the safety net. That should be there for people who can't take care of themselves but that all Americans who are physically and mentally. Capable should be expected to and should be working and taking care of themselves, that as then presidential. Candidate Bill Clinton said in 1992, that Welfare shouldn't be free that it should be an investment in people to. Empower them to be able to take care of themselves.
Whether America is center right or center left we are certainly a mainstream country politically, not Centrist exactly. But we don't go very far left or right and what may seem mainstream in other countries lets says Social Democracies. On the left or more Authoritarian States on the right, seems more like fringes to the majority of Americans in this country. And people who would like to see America move in those directions , tend to have a hard time winning statewide. Or nationally in America, Americans like their economic freedom, we don't like high taxes and regulations. We also like our social freedom and not be told by government or people further to us on the right or left. How we should live our own lives and what it means to be an American, Americans tend to not like to be told. How to live and told what to do by government and what it means to be an American, we like Big Government out. Of our wallets and bedrooms.
This is why I believe had President Kennedy not of been assassinated in 1963, 1964 might of had been the. Best Presidential election in American history because we would've had a real Liberal in Jack Kennedy. Versus a real Conservative in Barry Goldwater both people who believed that Big Government shouldn't be. In our bedrooms or wallets and that Americans should be free to live our own lives and would've represented. Where America has become and two people who also respected each other as well.
Before I layout where I believe America is politically I just want to give a quote from Barry Goldwater, whose. Probably my favorite Conservative-Libertarian even though I'm more of a classical Liberal but Senator Goldwater. Once said I believe in the 1960s that he wanted Big Government out of his wallet and bedroom and it might of taken. The rest of the country forty years or so to get there themselves but thats basically where I believe America is. Bill Clinton to quote from the left once said that he believed in what's called an opportunity society where all Americans. Would have the opportunity to chart their own course in life and have the freedom to live their own lives, the second part. I'm paraphrasing but thats what an opportunity society is, Americans tend to believe in what's called the safety net. That should be there for people who can't take care of themselves but that all Americans who are physically and mentally. Capable should be expected to and should be working and taking care of themselves, that as then presidential. Candidate Bill Clinton said in 1992, that Welfare shouldn't be free that it should be an investment in people to. Empower them to be able to take care of themselves.
Whether America is center right or center left we are certainly a mainstream country politically, not Centrist exactly. But we don't go very far left or right and what may seem mainstream in other countries lets says Social Democracies. On the left or more Authoritarian States on the right, seems more like fringes to the majority of Americans in this country. And people who would like to see America move in those directions , tend to have a hard time winning statewide. Or nationally in America, Americans like their economic freedom, we don't like high taxes and regulations. We also like our social freedom and not be told by government or people further to us on the right or left. How we should live our own lives and what it means to be an American, Americans tend to not like to be told. How to live and told what to do by government and what it means to be an American, we like Big Government out. Of our wallets and bedrooms.
This is why I believe had President Kennedy not of been assassinated in 1963, 1964 might of had been the. Best Presidential election in American history because we would've had a real Liberal in Jack Kennedy. Versus a real Conservative in Barry Goldwater both people who believed that Big Government shouldn't be. In our bedrooms or wallets and that Americans should be free to live our own lives and would've represented. Where America has become and two people who also respected each other as well.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
FRSFreeStatePlus: Washington Times: Editorial: "End of the American Superpower": America's New Role In The World
EDITORIAL: End of the American superpower - Washington Times
The days that the United States can police the World are over or coming to an end, we simply don't have the. Resources to do that anymore, especially with the condition of our economy and fiscal situation, where we now own. Debt to countries that we are paying them to defend and thats a good thing, as well as the days that Europe. Can sit on the sidelines and expect America to take care of its national defense are also over as well, which is also a good thing. America has been declining over the last ten years or so but that has to do with our economic situation, we are simply. Not growing now the way we did in the 1980s and 90s but the good news is this has given us an opportunity. As a country to rethink what we should be doing economically and what our foreign and national security policy. Should look like in the future, what role should America have in the World and has also given Europe as well. As I believe Japan the same opportunity, the economic giants of the developed World, to rethink where they should be.
America has been declining economically and perhaps even militarily over the last ten years or so but a lot of. That has to do with policies here at home that have weaken our economic picture, as well as our foreign policy picture. Europe has been declining as well with weaker economic growth, higher unemployment and an aging and dying. Population that they haven't been replacing, as well as government that have promised to do more for their people. Then the economy has been able to produce the resources to pay for, so now they are being forced to rethink. What they want their Federal Governments to do and hopefully as America hopefully soon pulls out of Europe. Europe will then also rethink their military posture and take the lead role in securing their own defense. Which would also boost their economies, because of new industries that would be created.
The American decline doesn't have to be indefinite, China will probably pass us as having the largest economy. In the World within twenty years, even if they are still a developing country but that doesn't mean they'll. Have the most important economy or the strongest militarily in the World as well, America will still have a say. In that depending on how our debt, deficit and economy looks in the future, what we are doing as a country. To develop our economy even further, do we rebuild this country that needs all sorts of new infrastructure investment. And be able to keep pace or even past China and Brazil or do we continue to lag in this critical area. Do we develop a national energy policy that moves us towards energy independence and are at least moving. Off of foreign oil by 2030, or are we still importing oil from countries that don't have our best interest at heart.
These are questions we have to answer as a country and start rebuilding our economy and get past this 1-2%. Economic growth rate that we've been stuck at the last couple of years and move to finally get our debt and deficit. Under control which would mean countries would have less leverage over us and we develop a new foreign policy. That built around being Leader for Liberal Democracy in the World, not trying to force it on anyone but working. With others who want it and don't currently have it and working with our allies when crisis's pop up in the World. Rather then trying to police the World ourselves.
The days that the United States can police the World are over or coming to an end, we simply don't have the. Resources to do that anymore, especially with the condition of our economy and fiscal situation, where we now own. Debt to countries that we are paying them to defend and thats a good thing, as well as the days that Europe. Can sit on the sidelines and expect America to take care of its national defense are also over as well, which is also a good thing. America has been declining over the last ten years or so but that has to do with our economic situation, we are simply. Not growing now the way we did in the 1980s and 90s but the good news is this has given us an opportunity. As a country to rethink what we should be doing economically and what our foreign and national security policy. Should look like in the future, what role should America have in the World and has also given Europe as well. As I believe Japan the same opportunity, the economic giants of the developed World, to rethink where they should be.
America has been declining economically and perhaps even militarily over the last ten years or so but a lot of. That has to do with policies here at home that have weaken our economic picture, as well as our foreign policy picture. Europe has been declining as well with weaker economic growth, higher unemployment and an aging and dying. Population that they haven't been replacing, as well as government that have promised to do more for their people. Then the economy has been able to produce the resources to pay for, so now they are being forced to rethink. What they want their Federal Governments to do and hopefully as America hopefully soon pulls out of Europe. Europe will then also rethink their military posture and take the lead role in securing their own defense. Which would also boost their economies, because of new industries that would be created.
The American decline doesn't have to be indefinite, China will probably pass us as having the largest economy. In the World within twenty years, even if they are still a developing country but that doesn't mean they'll. Have the most important economy or the strongest militarily in the World as well, America will still have a say. In that depending on how our debt, deficit and economy looks in the future, what we are doing as a country. To develop our economy even further, do we rebuild this country that needs all sorts of new infrastructure investment. And be able to keep pace or even past China and Brazil or do we continue to lag in this critical area. Do we develop a national energy policy that moves us towards energy independence and are at least moving. Off of foreign oil by 2030, or are we still importing oil from countries that don't have our best interest at heart.
These are questions we have to answer as a country and start rebuilding our economy and get past this 1-2%. Economic growth rate that we've been stuck at the last couple of years and move to finally get our debt and deficit. Under control which would mean countries would have less leverage over us and we develop a new foreign policy. That built around being Leader for Liberal Democracy in the World, not trying to force it on anyone but working. With others who want it and don't currently have it and working with our allies when crisis's pop up in the World. Rather then trying to police the World ourselves.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
FRSFreeStatePlus: Commentary: Seth Mandel: "George McGovern’s Futile Warning on Labor Unions": George McGovern's Diverse Ideology
McGovern’s Futile Warning on Unions: pThe extent to which George McGovern, who died in late October, was identified with American liberalism itself can be seen in headlines of his various obituaries. CNN’s headline called him an “unabashed liberal voice”; PBS went with “Liberal Icon”; the New York Times chose “Prairie Liberal” (though the online edition dropped the word “prairie”); and [...]/p
George McGovern throughout his career and since has been identified with American Liberalism, as if he's the. Hero for Americans Liberals or champion of Liberal causes and Liberal philosophy but he's not my Liberal champion. I identify more with Jack Kennedy or Wendell Willkie and today with John Kerry and Dick Durbin, both Democratic Leaders. In the US Senate, then I do with Senator McGovern or more with Bill Clinton then I do with Senator McGovern. Its not as if George McGovern didn't have Liberal tendencies, because he clearly did especially on social issues. Where granted Senator McGovern was clearly a social Liberal and I'm proud he was as a Liberal myself and he even had. Some Liberal positions on some economic issues, like the right to organize and organize labor and so fourth. And Senator McGovern was a Liberal internationalist on foreign policy and did believe in things like a strong. National defense, he wasn't pacifist or an isolationist and perhaps not even a dove, he was World War II veteran. And served his country very well.
But to say that George McGovern was the champion or hero or God of American Liberalism, is a very big stretch. He would be described today as a Progressive or Social Democrat, if he was still in Congress today, a place. Where he served for twenty two years, both in the House and Senate all together, I bet you he would've been a member. Of the Congressional Progressive Caucus but he would've been one of their most responsible members. And also someone who would've been able to work with the Democratic leadership, including the President. And someone who would've been able to work with Republicans as well, like he was able to work so well. Bob Dole in the Senate but ideologically he was more of a Social then Liberal Democrat, someone who put. A lot of faith in government to solve the peoples problems, rather then people being able to solve their own problems.
So George McGoevrn was really diverse when it came to his politics, on social issues clearly a Liberal, Liberal-Libertarian. Even, a Liberal internationalist on foreign policy but more of a Progressive-Social Democrat on economic policy. As they are called in Europe, rather then the Barry Goldwater or Ron Reagan for American Liberals. Wendell Willkie, Jack Kennedy are the real Liberal heros in America, people who put their faith in the people. To be able to solve their own problems, if they are just empowered to do so, rather then a big central government doing it for them.
George McGovern throughout his career and since has been identified with American Liberalism, as if he's the. Hero for Americans Liberals or champion of Liberal causes and Liberal philosophy but he's not my Liberal champion. I identify more with Jack Kennedy or Wendell Willkie and today with John Kerry and Dick Durbin, both Democratic Leaders. In the US Senate, then I do with Senator McGovern or more with Bill Clinton then I do with Senator McGovern. Its not as if George McGovern didn't have Liberal tendencies, because he clearly did especially on social issues. Where granted Senator McGovern was clearly a social Liberal and I'm proud he was as a Liberal myself and he even had. Some Liberal positions on some economic issues, like the right to organize and organize labor and so fourth. And Senator McGovern was a Liberal internationalist on foreign policy and did believe in things like a strong. National defense, he wasn't pacifist or an isolationist and perhaps not even a dove, he was World War II veteran. And served his country very well.
But to say that George McGovern was the champion or hero or God of American Liberalism, is a very big stretch. He would be described today as a Progressive or Social Democrat, if he was still in Congress today, a place. Where he served for twenty two years, both in the House and Senate all together, I bet you he would've been a member. Of the Congressional Progressive Caucus but he would've been one of their most responsible members. And also someone who would've been able to work with the Democratic leadership, including the President. And someone who would've been able to work with Republicans as well, like he was able to work so well. Bob Dole in the Senate but ideologically he was more of a Social then Liberal Democrat, someone who put. A lot of faith in government to solve the peoples problems, rather then people being able to solve their own problems.
So George McGoevrn was really diverse when it came to his politics, on social issues clearly a Liberal, Liberal-Libertarian. Even, a Liberal internationalist on foreign policy but more of a Progressive-Social Democrat on economic policy. As they are called in Europe, rather then the Barry Goldwater or Ron Reagan for American Liberals. Wendell Willkie, Jack Kennedy are the real Liberal heros in America, people who put their faith in the people. To be able to solve their own problems, if they are just empowered to do so, rather then a big central government doing it for them.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Firing Line With William F. Buckley: Barry Goldwater- The Role of Conservatism in (1966)
Source:Firing Line With William F. Buckley- former U.S. Senator (Republican, Arizona) and 1964 Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater, on Firing Line With William F. Buckley, in 1966. |
“A clip from William F. Buckley’s 1966 interview with Barry Goldwater on “Firing Line.”
From Moog Rogue
What Barry Goldwater was doing in this clip was arguing for the two-party system and saying that Republicans don’t have to be Progressive Democrats or Democratic-light in order to win elections and gain power in America.
In early 1966 after the Republican Party took back-to-back-to-back political beatings in Washington from 1960-64, what Senator Goldwater was saying her sounds rather foolish:
But in 1965, House Republicans elect Representative Gerald Ford to be their leader in the House
1966 House Republicans win 45 seats in the House, with a whole lot of Conservative Republicans in Congress, especially in the House getting elected
Thanks to Richard Nixon, Republicans win The White House back in 1968. not because they sound and talked like Democrats, but because they were Republicans, with even Progressive Republicans sounding and thinking different politically then Progressive Democrats.
So I believe Senator Goldwater was onto something in 1966, even if he was the only Republican who knew what Republicans needed to do to get back into power.
You can also see this post on WordPress.
You can also see this post at The Daily Post, on WordPress. (No pun intended)
You can also see this post at The Daily Post, on Blogger. (No pun intended)
The White House: 'President Obama Speaks on the Economy and Middle-Class Tax Cuts'
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Source:The White House- President Barack H. Obama (Democrat, Illinois) speaking in Detroit, Michigan. |
"President Obama delivers remarks at the Daimler Detroit Diesel Plant. December 10, 2012."
From The White House
Friday, December 7, 2012
FRSFreeStatePlus: Washington Times: Opinion: Emily Miller: Conservatives Next Step
MILLER: Conservatives' next step - Washington Times
The next step for Republicans especially in the US Senate, is to recruit real Conservatives, people like Mike Lee. Ron Johnson and Rand Paul, people like Marco Rubio, real limited government Conservatives who were all elected. To the US Senate in 2010 and move away from the religious right, people like Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle. Republican Senate Candidates who cost Senate Republicans four safe winnable Senate seats in 2010 and 2012. And frankly represent why Mitch McConnell will once again be the Senate Minority Leader in the next Congress. Because Senate Republicans not only lost Democratic seats they should've won but they also lost Republican seats. They should've won like in Indiana in 2012 with Richard Mourdock, these Tea Party. Religious/Neoconservatives are costing the Republican Party right now and represent exactly why the GOP Are losing elections that they should be winning
Whatever you think of Senator Jim Demit, he's responsible for recruiting Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio and Mike Lee. All of these people being real fiscal Conservatives and believers in civil liberties and social freedom, Senator Johnson. I believe from Wisconsin is even pro choice on abortion, now Republicans don't have to be pro choice on abortion. But they also can't be preaching for limited government as it relates to the economy but Big Government. As it relates to peoples civil lives and they need to move away from the religious right and get back to Goldwater/Reagan Conservatism. And truly be a party of limited government, rather then a party of Big Government, when it comes to how. Americans live their own lives and they'll do well in the future.
The next step for Republicans especially in the US Senate, is to recruit real Conservatives, people like Mike Lee. Ron Johnson and Rand Paul, people like Marco Rubio, real limited government Conservatives who were all elected. To the US Senate in 2010 and move away from the religious right, people like Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle. Republican Senate Candidates who cost Senate Republicans four safe winnable Senate seats in 2010 and 2012. And frankly represent why Mitch McConnell will once again be the Senate Minority Leader in the next Congress. Because Senate Republicans not only lost Democratic seats they should've won but they also lost Republican seats. They should've won like in Indiana in 2012 with Richard Mourdock, these Tea Party. Religious/Neoconservatives are costing the Republican Party right now and represent exactly why the GOP Are losing elections that they should be winning
Whatever you think of Senator Jim Demit, he's responsible for recruiting Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio and Mike Lee. All of these people being real fiscal Conservatives and believers in civil liberties and social freedom, Senator Johnson. I believe from Wisconsin is even pro choice on abortion, now Republicans don't have to be pro choice on abortion. But they also can't be preaching for limited government as it relates to the economy but Big Government. As it relates to peoples civil lives and they need to move away from the religious right and get back to Goldwater/Reagan Conservatism. And truly be a party of limited government, rather then a party of Big Government, when it comes to how. Americans live their own lives and they'll do well in the future.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Commentary: Peter Wehner: 'The Recalibration of Conservatism'
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Source:Trinity Forum- writer Peter Wehner. |
"Heard from a couple of prominent conservatives yesterday who mentioned to me the pessimism, and even depression, they sense among conservatives throughout the land. That’s understandable, given the results of the 2012 election. Because unlike 2008, this is an election Barack Obama should have lost and that the right fully expected him to lose.
Still, there have been worse wilderness years than what we’re experiencing now. (Retaining control of the House will prove to be an important check on Mr. Obama’s second-term ambitions.) In addition, the loss Republicans experienced can be leveraged to conservatives’ advantage, if we take away the right lessons from the 2012 defeat.
Two individuals who are doing just that are Representative Paul Ryan and Senator Marco Rubio. They spoke earlier this week at the annual dinner of the Jack Kemp Foundation. Both speeches (which can be found here and here) are well worth reading.
The speeches focused on the plight of the poor, the challenges facing the middle class, upward mobility and opportunity, and (especially in the case of Senator Rubio) education. Messrs. Ryan and Rubio offered intelligent defenses of limited government while also acknowledging the important role of government. And they used terms like “compassion,” “the common good,” “civil society,” and “social infrastructure.” Their tone was inclusive, humane, aspirational, and captured the true, and full, spirit of conservatism.
Listen and Subscribe to the Commentary Podcast
What Ryan and Rubio are doing is widening the aperture of the Republican Party and the conservative movement, which in recent years either ignored (in the case of civil society and education) or took aim at (in the case of compassion) issues and concepts that are morally important and politically potent. It isn’t so much that what was being said was wrong, though in some cases (like on immigration) it was; it’s that the vision being offered was constricted.
The task facing conservatives today is somewhat akin to what Ronald Reagan faced in 1977 with the GOP, Bill Clinton faced in 1992 with the Democratic Party, and Tony Blair faced in 1994 with the Labour Party. In this instance, the Republican Party and conservatism have to remain powerful defenders of liberty and limited government. But they also have to establish themselves in the public imagination as advocates for reform and modernization, of the middle class and social mobility, and of a generous, inclusive vision. There is much more work to be done, and the speeches by Ryan and Rubio were encouraging first steps.
The necessary recalibration of conservatism is under way, and that is something that ought to lift the spirits of conservatives."
From Commentary Magazine
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
American Enterprise Institute: 'Conservatism in the 113th Congress: Views from the Republican Study Committee Chairman & Chairman-Elect'
"Post-Event Summary
AEI President Arthur Brooks was joined by Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. Steve Scalise, chairman and chairman-elect of the Republican Study Committee, respectively, for an event on Tuesday to discuss the challenges and successes of the 112th Congress. Representatives Jordan and Scalise also looked ahead to the potential policy issues of 113th Congress, examining the role that the leading conservative caucus in the House of Representatives will play.
Rep. Jordan began by reflecting on the Republican Study Committee’s (RSC) engagement in the policy battles of the 112th Congress, particularly the super-committee negotiations during summer 2011. Rep. Scalise contended that the House must embrace a “visionary agenda” in the 113th Congress that prioritizes tax reform and curbs entitlement growth as a means of achieving a balanced budget. The representatives agreed that the greatest threat to future generations of Americans is government-led redistributive spending, which, according to Rep. Scalise, stifles individual opportunity.
Among the many other topics discussed by Representatives Jordan and Scalise were the fiscal cliff, sequestration, and immigration reform. Rep. Jordan concluded by emphasizing that the RSC must continue to advocate for the policy proposals that reflect the committee’s fundamental values, because “if we stick with our principles, we will arrive at the right policy.”
–John VerWey
Event Description
Since 1973, the Republican Study Committee (RSC) has been the key membership organization for conservatives in the US House of Representatives. Today, after an election cycle that failed to drastically alter the political landscape, the RSC will continue to influence key policy areas that will define conservatism for years to come.
At this AEI event, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the current chairman of the Republican Study Committee, and the incoming chairman, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), will share their thoughts on the future of the conservative movement.
If you are unable to attend, we welcome you to watch the event live on this page. Full video will be posted within 24 hours."
From AEI
Monday, December 3, 2012
C-SPAN: 'BookTV In Depth: Senator Tom Coburn'
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Source:C-SPAN- U.S. Senator Tom Coburn (Republican, Oklahoma) on C-SPAN's BookTV. |
"Senator Coburn is the author of "Breach of Trust: How Washington Turns Outsiders into Insiders" (2003); and "The Debt Bomb: A Bold Plan to Stop Washington from Bankrupting America" (2012).
The Senator has also authored many reports that can be read on his website, including "Back in Black" (2011); "Oklahoma Waste Report: Exposing Washington's Wasteful Spending Habits in our Own Backyard" (2011); "Subsidies of the Rich and Famous" (2011); and "Money for Nothing" (2012)."
From BookTV
Sunday, December 2, 2012
The Washington Times: Kyle Scott: 'No New Taxes Without Spending Limits'
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Source:The Washington Times- cover photo. |
"Between servicing the debt and funding entitlement programs, our government is overburdened by its financial obligations. In the current negotiations over how we can avoid falling off the fiscal cliff, some Republicans have indicated willingness to give in to the Democrats’ demands that taxes be raised in order to meet these obligations. Unless limits are placed on spending levels, however, increasing government revenue will not solve the problem in the long term. Any increase in revenue must be accompanied by a limit on spending.
The growth in government is reflected in its spending, which has steadily increased as a percentage of the nation’s GDP. Whenever the government increases its spending obligations, the taxpayers are asked to give “just a little bit more.” Over time, this “little bit more” ends up being quite a bit more. Unless we put a limit on how much the government can spend, it will keep spending, and taxpayers will continually be asked to give more.
Placing a cap on government spending as a percentage of GDP would accomplish several important goals. First, it would ensure that the growth of government is directly tied to the growth of the private sector. It makes little sense for government services and spending to grow at a time when the private sector is struggling to find its economic footing. When the government seeks to help the economy by spending taxpayer money, the spending guarantees the growth of government and nothing else. Taking money from some and giving it to others in hopes of spurring economic growth is like taking water from one end of the bathtub and dumping it in the other in an effort to raise the overall water level in the tub."
From The Washington Times
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Washington Times: 'EDITORIAL: Obamacare’s Medicaid Time Bomb'
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Source:The Washington Times- cartoon about ObamaCare. |
"States already struggling to get by will face even tighter fiscal constraints thanks to yet another costly Obamacare mandate. A study last week from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured revealed President Obama’s health care takeover would dump $1 trillion in new costs on federal and state taxpayers over the next decade.
By Kaiser’s calculation, following Obamacare’s loosened eligibility conditions for Medicaid could add an additional 10 million people to the rolls of the insured. The tab for this will exceed $1 trillion by 2022 with Uncle Sam picking up $952 billion, leaving states on the hook for $76 billion. That represents a 26 percent increase in federal outlays, but the state share represents modest 3 percent increase — for now. The real crunch will come after 2022, when Uncle Sam is no longer required to foot the bill for the Medicaid expansion.
States have a way out of this budget-busting dilemma. The Supreme Court’s Obamacare ruling earlier this year left it up to the states to decide whether to expand Medicaid under the Obamacare guidelines or not — in return for the federal cash. Governors would be wise to decline Uncle Sam’s white elephant, as they will hard pressed to find enough money in their coffers to cover costs once the federal largesse begins to taper off in 2022.
From The Washington Times
Friday, November 30, 2012
Senator Rand Paul: 'Floor Speech in Defense of The Sixth Amendment'
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Source:U.S. Senator Rand Paul (Republican, Kentucky) speaking in favor of the 6th Amendment. |
"Sen. Rand Paul floor speech in defense of the Sixth Amendment"
From Senator Rand Paul
This is what a real Conservative and someone whose really against Big Government sounds like. Speaking up in defense of the U.S. Constitution and speaking out against indefinite detention. And that government in the United States doesn't have the constitutional authority to hold people, especially Americans, without a hearing or trial or access to a lawyer. As well as that every American has a constitutional right to a trial by jury.
This is what a real Conservative and someone whose really against Big Government sounds like. Speaking up in defense of the U.S. Constitution and speaking out against indefinite detention. And that government in the United States doesn't have the constitutional authority to hold people, especially Americans, without a hearing or trial or access to a lawyer. As well as that every American has a constitutional right to a trial by jury.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
TBS: WCW 1989- Ric Flair vs Terry Funk: I Quit Match (1989)
“Clash of the Champions IX 11 15 1989 Ric Flair vs Terry Funk I Quit match xvid”
I don’t know if you can find four better pro wrestlers for a cage I Quit match than Ric Flair, Sting, Terry Funk and Mr. Muta. The amount of pain and even torture these four men were able to put themselves through because of their conditioning, physical strength and just character and courage was simply unmatched by almost anyone else who has ever been a pro wrestler. Two other guys I would thrown into this group would be Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker for the same reasons as these four men.
Ric Flair was seen as a classical if not classy pure wrestler who made most of his living just wrestling in the ring and not getting into street fights like this and most of that is true. But he beat the great Harley Race for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, a match where he may of lost on points, but beat Race in it. He was in a lot of cage matches, including with The Horseman against The Road Warriors and The Koloff’s and did very well in those matches. Sting could wrestle or fight anyone anywhere. It didn’t matter to him and Terry Funk was a street fighter who could wrestle. Similar to Mr. Muta.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Austin Peterson: Libertarianism VS Socialism
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Source:Austin Peterson- debating Connor Kilpatrick on socialism and libertarianism. |
"Libertarian Austin Petersen and Socialist Connor Kilpatrick of Jacobin Magazine debate
Austin Petersen, libertarian video producer, free market activist and entrepreneur takes on Connor Fitzpatrick over whether libertarians are just "Puppets of the corporate elite" or whether Americans are finally embracing both civil liberties and economic liberties. Sam Sacks on the Thom Hartmann show "The Big Picture" hosts."
From Austin Peterson
This is a real debate to have, instead of debating socialism vs capitalism, which is not a real debate, because one is a political philosophy and one is an economic system with many versions, including a socialist model, thats common in Europe, including in Sweden and Greece two of the most socialist democracies in the World. Debating socialism vs capitalism is like debating what's a better car: an orange or an apple.
Having a debate between socialism and libertarianism is a real philosophical debate because it's a debate between two real political philosophies. Rather than a debate between an economic system and a political philosophy.
Socialism vs libertarianism is a debate between basically having much more government than would be common in a liberal democracy like America, or having a lot less government thats common in a liberal democracy.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Guy John: 'Frank Chodorov On Political Change (1953)'
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Source:Guy John- Frank Chodorov, talking about progressivism, in 1953. |
"Everybody has opinions on international subjects, because the newspapers have opinions on them, and the readers like to be 'in the swim."' - Frank Chodorov
"All this concern about people who don't vote, for instance. Well, in Communist countries they get 98% or 99.4% of the eligible voters out to the polls, to vote for a single slate of candidates. Why so much concern with voting? I think it's because in Communist countries, politics is their religion." - Ron Paul, 1976"
Source:Guy John
Euro News: 'Israel Likud Party Leadership Primary Hampered by Technical Problems'
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Source:Euro News- Jewish State of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and First Lady Sara Netanyahu. |
"Euro News Severe computer problems have delayed results of an election within Israel's right-wing Likud party to decide candidates for parliamentary elections in January.
Voting for the 123,000 party members was kept open for an extra two hours to compensate.
Despite the technical breakdowns at several polling stations, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sarah were able to cast their ballots at a settlement north of Jerusalem.
Some candidates have called for the election to be postponed completely. The electoral commission is also considering allowing an extra day of voting on Monday.
Political analysts are watching to see if the party leans further to the right because of public anger over last week's truce deal which ended Israeli airstrikes on Gaza."
From Euro News
"Euronews (styled on-air in lowercase as euronews) is a European television news network, headquartered in Lyon, France. The network began broadcasting on 1 January 1993 and covers world news from a European perspective.
The majority of Euronews (88%) is owned by Portuguese investment management firm Alpac Capital,[2][3][4] with the rest partly owned by several European and North African public and state-owned broadcasting organizations.
It is a provider of livestreamed news, which can be viewed in most of the world via its website, on YouTube, and on various mobile devices and digital media players."
From Wikipedia
I guess you can get further to the right then the Likud Party in Israel.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Euro News: 'Cairo in Uproar Over President Mohamad Morsi's Plan to Rule by Decree'
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Source:Euro News- in Cairo, Egypt. |
"Euro News: Cairo is in uproar following President Mursi's announcement that he will rule by decree until a new parliament is installed.
Our correspondent Mohammed Shaikhibrahim is in the Egyptian capital:
"The protest transformed into running battle between police and demonstrators on Mohammed Mahmud Street. At least ten people have been injured and rushed to hospital. Police are firing tear gas rounds in an attempt to disperse the crowds.
Protesters say the demonstrations will escalate in coming hours and continue into the night.
Egyptian security forces have formed a cordon around the Interior Ministry to prevent the crowds from moving on the government building."
From Euro News
"Euronews (styled on-air in lowercase as euronews) is a European television news network, headquartered in Lyon, France. The network began broadcasting on 1 January 1993 and covers world news from a European perspective.
The majority of Euronews (88%) is owned by Portuguese investment management firm Alpac Capital,[2][3][4] with the rest partly owned by several European and North African public and state-owned broadcasting organizations.
It is a provider of livestreamed news, which can be viewed in most of the world via its website, on YouTube, and on various mobile devices and digital media players."
From Wikipedia
In other words: rule by executive order. Well, at least this will the give the Parliament more incentive to form and organize, so they can represent a check on President Morsi's power.
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders: Social Security
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Source:U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders- (Democratic Socialist, Socialist Republic of Vermont) |
Senator Sanders and President Reagan perhaps agreeing on something for the only time in their lives, that Social Security is not the cause of our debt and deficits. Well, not really, because within 20-25 years if nothing is done to reform the program we're going to see more people collecting from Social Security than collecting from it.
Not sure what generation that Senator Sanders considers himself being a member of being born in late 1941, but having to deal with all of the cultural issues that every other Baby Boomer from the 1960s dealt with as young adults. But the Baby Boomers (and perhaps Bernie considers himself to be a member of) are going to eat away at the Social Security program. Even Senator Sanders has suggested reforms to it. Like lifting the cap on the amount of income that could be taxed to fund Social Security.
It is not just fiscal Conservatives who see issues with Social Security that should be addressed. Center-Left Democrats and others who are in Congress, as well as even Democratic Socialists like Bernie Sanders, who believe changes to the program need to be made, to make the program as strong as it needs to be.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Sophia Loren: Boy On a Dolphin (1957)
“Italian Actress Sophia Loren – Boy On A Dolphin”
From Bandit Boy
"When it comes to the Met Gala, Kim Kardashian knows how to bring the sexy, and this year was no different. On Monday, the 38-year-old reality TV star channeled"
Sophia baby, as gorgeous, sexy and adorable as ever.
This scene in Boy On a Dolphin, reminds me of the opening scene in Lady in Cement with Frank Sinatra that came out in 1968. Tony Rome (played by Frank) is on his boat just off the Florida coast in Miami and jumps in the water to go scuba diving and sees a young blonde woman who is lifeless with her eyes opening at the bottom of the ocean. Actually, the only thing that that scene from Lady in Cement and this scene with Sophia Loren, have in common is that you have a young hot sexy women, wearing almost nothing and jumping in the water.
Lady in Cement is a very good and funny movie and it also features Raquel Welch, (worth the price of admission) Boy on a Dolphin minus Sophia doesn’t look like a very good movie. “A sponge diver on a sunken ship filled with artifacts, including a priceless ancient gold statue of a boy on a dolphin.”
You can see how the movie got its name and sure who doesn’t want to watch Sophia Loren in a bikini in the water. (Well, what straight man anyway) But that movie has been made before. And I think Sophia would be the only reason to see this movie.
EuroNews: 'Gazans Celebrate Victory Over Israel'
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Source:Euro News- victory for Hamas? |
"Euro News: Differences remain between Hamas and its political rival Fatah, but both sides are agreed that the ceasefire is a "victory" for the Palestinians.
Hamas's Gaza chief and prime minister has now urged all Palestinian militant groups to respect the accord.
"We have the great responsibility, as a government, to protect our people as well as this agreement in which the occupying state is committed."
Gazans have been savouring the calm and celebrating what appears to be an end, for now, of relentless Israeli bombing.
In a rare show of unity, the rival green and yellow flags of Hamas and Fatah have been waved side by side.
After days of hiding to avoid being hit, thousands of people have taken to the streets in jubilation, although doubts still exist as to whether this is just a short pause in the fighting."
From Euro News
"Euronews (styled on-air in lowercase as euronews) is a European television news network, headquartered in Lyon, France. The network began broadcasting on 1 January 1993 and covers world news from a European perspective.
The majority of Euronews (88%) is owned by Portuguese investment management firm Alpac Capital,[2][3][4] with the rest partly owned by several European and North African public and state-owned broadcasting organizations.
It is a provider of livestreamed news, which can be viewed in most of the world via its website, on YouTube, and on various mobile devices and digital media players."
From Wikipedia
Monday, November 19, 2012
Red State: Morton C. Blackwell: 'An Open Letter to Conservatives'
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Source:Wikipedia- with a profile of Morton C. Blackwell. |
"I had a very exciting time at the Republican National Convention. My conservative allies and I all worked very hard in the presidential election.
When I woke up the day after the election, everything I had worked for appeared to be in ruins. An extreme leftist had been reelected president of the United States.
Some liberal Republicans immediately began to blame newly activated conservatives for the presidential defeat. I knew they were wrong. It was clear to me that these newly active conservatives would be the key to major future victories for conservative principles.
The day was Wednesday, November 4, 1964.
The Republican nominee, Barry Goldwater, had suffered a crushing defeat. He won just six states and 52 votes in the Electoral College. But from the ashes of that loss sprang a vigorous conservative movement.
The conservative movement grew from modest beginnings to become a major force capable of nominating and electing candidates at the local, state, and national level, including Ronald Reagan.
Waves of newly activated conservatives elected Ronald Reagan, broke the Democratic monopoly in the Congress, and were decisive in the thrilling 2010 elections. The influx of new conservatives greatly benefited the Republican Party then, as it has again in recent years.
It would be foolish for conservatives, defeated for now, to form a circular firing squad and start shooting at each other. Each element of our coalition — limited government, free enterprise, strong national defense, and traditional values — has a long and strong background of working together. These principles will lead to victories in the future as they have in the past, as recently as two years ago.
For those disappointed by the results of this year’s presidential election, remember that it is a long ball game. Politics has a natural ebb and flow.
Now is the time to study the lessons of this election and to chart a course for conservatives to win in the future. The stakes could not be higher. The margins of victory in the public policy process may be smaller now than at any other time in American history.
Conservatives must reach out and identify philosophically compatible individuals among the types of people with whom leftist organizers have had the most success.
Seek out the reasonably conservative people, the younger the better, who happen to be in categories long-targeted for organization by the left, people who share our American view of individual rights rather than group rights. Help them deepen their understanding of public policy issues. Many have strong opinions they already share with us. Then undertake systematic, persistent actions to recruit them into the public policy process, teach them political skills, and place them where they can be effective.
Work hard and wisely to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists in all categories of people. Do all you can to advance and to protect them. Their success will break the leftist organizers’ near monopolies among people like them.
In closing, let me share with you the most important lesson you will learn at any time in your life about success in the public policy process.
Being right in the sense of being correct is not sufficient to win. The winner in a political contest over time is determined by the number and the effectiveness of the activists and leaders on the respective sides.
You owe it to your philosophy to study how to win. You have a moral obligation to learn how to win.
That was the clinching argument Goldwater conservatives used to revive the power of conservative principles in America in 1964. I know you will find it helpful today.
Conservatives can and will win big again in presidential elections. But first we must learn from our experience, do what must be done, and study diligently to become ever more effective.
You have fought for good causes before. I pray you’ll continue your fight for good causes now. Victories may be just around the corner."
From Red State
Right Coast: 'We’re Heading for Economic Dictatorship'
From The Right Coast
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Washington Times: Robert Knight: 'Casting Blame at Religious Conservatives For Mitt Romney's Defeat'
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Source:The Washington Times- Well, the Republican Party used to be the GOP, anyway. |
"Like clockwork, traditional-values voters are being blamed for the failure of a moderate GOP presidential candidate.
This is the predictable consensus of liberal pundits but also some prominent conservatives. Never mind exit polls showing that conservative evangelical Protestants and devout Catholics combined gave Mitt Romney a higher percentage of their votes than George W. Bush in 2004 or John McCain in 2008. Somehow, it’s their fault that Mr. Romney lost.
In The Washington Post’s Sunday Outlook section, consultant Craig Shirley actually argued that because the GOP platform calls for a constitutional marriage amendment, “Obama now apparently holds the more correct conservative position on the marriage issue.”
From The Washington Times
Washington Times: Tim Devaney: 'Senate Finance Committee Economist Calls For 'Super Duper Committee'
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Source:The Washington Times- columnist Tim Devaney. |
"After the supercommittee’s failure in 2011, the Senate Finance Committee’s chief economist suggested this week Congress may turn to a new “Super Duper Committee,” in an effort to avoid the fiscal cliff, with dire consequences that are too big to fail.
“The supercommittee was like a can with nails, and we kicked it down the road,” Jeff Wrase, chief economist of the Senate Finance Committee, said on Friday. “Now, we have to construct an exploding can, so no one can kick it down the road again.”
The fiscal cliff is a series of massive spending cuts and tax hikes that take a drastic approach to reducing the deficit, which would hurt economic growth. The Obama administration and Senate Democrats have struggled to negotiate with House Republicans over a more reasonable solution to reducing the deficit."
From The Washington Times
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Arcturus Reagan Designee: William Mcllhany Interviewing Christopher Story-: Communist Long Range Takeover Deception Strategy
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Source:Arcturus Reagan Designee- William Mcllhany interviewing Christopher Story. |
"Christopher Story - The Perestroika Deception (The McIlhany Report)
Since 1989 the world has been told that the Soviet Union collapsed and that, except for several countries, Communism is dead and the U.S. won the cold war.
The reality is quite the reverse. Everything we have seen since 1989 has been a massive and successful, multi-decade long deception strategy on the part of the KGB, the Soviet secret police.
The Goal? To deceive the West and achieve the goal of Leninist strategy - a totalitarian world government or international police state.
We know this from the evidence provided by Anatoly Golitsyn the most important defector from the KGB who came to America in 1961. In 1980 he wrote a book, "New Lies for Old," published in 1984, which described the disinformation strategy and made specific predictions as to what the KGB would do, such as removing the Berlin Wall, changing the name of the KGB and other structures and the role played by Mikhail Gorbachev."
Source:Arcturus Reagan Designee
This is a conspiracy theory if I've ever heard one. The idea that the United States and the brand new Federal Republic of Russia would set out to rule the world together, instead of America and Russia being enemies and trying to rule the world by themselves, is nonsense. (To be generous)
This is a conspiracy theory if I've ever heard one. The idea that the United States and the brand new Federal Republic of Russia would set out to rule the world together, instead of America and Russia being enemies and trying to rule the world by themselves, is nonsense. (To be generous)
First of all, America is not an occupying power. We've never set out to occupy other nations and force them to live like us. (Except for perhaps Iraq and Vietnam)) When we defeated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan during World War II, we were only there until they were able to govern themselves again, after we destroyed the government's there. And as messy as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been, we are leaving both of those countries by 2014 and turning over complete control to the people in both countries to govern.
As far as Russia, the Soviets left Afghanistan in a complete mess economically and militarily. One of the reasons why Russia lost so many of their republics, the Baltic's and Caucus's, as well as Ukraine. And they were in no position by the time Boris Yeltzin became President of the Federal Republic to occupy anyone.
Russia twenty years later even though they are no way complete in being a democracy (liberal or socialist) and still has a lot of things they need to work on, politically and economically, are much better off than they have ever been. The Russian people are better off economically and have more freedom social and economically than they've ever had under the Putin Administration. But are in no position to be occupying anyone, even though they are on course to becoming an economic and military world power again, but this is no longer Soviet Russia.
Russia twenty years later even though they are no way complete in being a democracy (liberal or socialist) and still has a lot of things they need to work on, politically and economically, are much better off than they have ever been. The Russian people are better off economically and have more freedom social and economically than they've ever had under the Putin Administration. But are in no position to be occupying anyone, even though they are on course to becoming an economic and military world power again, but this is no longer Soviet Russia.
The John Birch Society and other right-wing Nationalists, really should be in Hollywood and New York producing and writing fiction. Even though culturally they wouldn't fit in well in either community. Seeing minorities as invaders and wondering why women are free and not slaves for their men. (Ha, ha) They've never been taken seriously a mainstream media and documentary organization, because they produce so many far out theories that you almost have to be a mental patient to be qualified to take them seriously.
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